City jobs columbus ohio

    • [PDF File]City of Columbus Smart Columbus Automated Vehicle Shuttle ...

      City of Columbus Smart Columbus Automated Vehicle Shuttle Service Request for Information The purpose of this Request for Information (RFI) is to solicit feedback and input from consultants and vendors on the deployment of Automated Vehicle (AV) shuttle services in Columbus, Ohio. The objective is to understand AV shuttle capabilities and ...

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    • [PDF File]Ohio Nonprofit Employment

      ment is located in Central Ohio, the region encompass - ing the capital city of Columbus. l Other regions with a significant portion of the state’s nonprofit employment include Southwest Central Ohio (with 11 percent of the total), Northeast Central Ohio (10 percent), and Northwest Ohio (9 percent). Figure 3: Ohio nonprofit employment, by ...

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    • [PDF File]Strong Foundation, Focused Future

      1,500 new jobs in Central Ohio, the biggest new job commitment JobsOhio secured during the year . CoverMyMeds also committed to create 1,032 new jobs in Central Ohio and First Solar committed to create 1,000 jobs in Northwest Ohio, helping drive JobsOhio's record year. • HomeGoods, Inc . committed to create 1,000 new jobs in Northeast Ohio .

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    • [PDF File]PO18 Ethics Policy - City of Columbus

      In consideration of my appointment as a public official or employee of the City of Columbus, Ohio, I hereby pledge to familiarize myself with and conduct myself in accordance with State and City statutes, laws, or codes, copies of which have been provided to me. Specifically, I pledge the following: 1. Disclosure: If I am an elected official of the City of Columbus, I will complete all ...

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    • [PDF File]Ohio Civil Service Application

      Ohio Civil Service Application for State and County Agencies GEN-4268 (REVISED 3/16) The State of Ohio Is an Equal Opportunity Employer and provider of ADA services.

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      removal from, a position with the City. “Bargaining Unit” - means the group of employees included in the unit as defined in Section 2.1 of this Agreement. “City” - means the City of Columbus, Ohio and its authorized representatives. “CMAGE/CWA Local 4502” - refers to the Columbus Municipal Association of

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