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      Mr. O’Hanlon informed Mr. Roddey of the Visitability Ordinance effort at the City and asked if the County would also consider an ordinance if it were passed in Pittsburgh. Mr. Roddey said that he would have the County Law Department review the ordinance and, if they have no objections, see if a joint group of County Council members would ...

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    • [DOCX File]I.Background

      Duquesne is a public utility as the term is defined under Section 102 of the Public Utility Code (Code), 66 Pa. C.S. § 102, certificated by the Commission to provide electric service in the City of Pittsburgh and in Allegheny and Beaver Counties in Pennsylvania.

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      Equitrans provides open-access transportation service under its blanket transportation certificate, including to local distribution companies serving the City of Pittsburgh and surrounding areas, pursuant to rates, terms, and conditions set forth in its FERC filed tariff (Joint Application, p. 12).

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      1. Boss Tweed in New York’s Tammany Hall controlled 60,000 jobs. He arrested, bribed his way out of jail, escaped, re-caught and finally died in jail. 2. Big Jim Pendergast held absolute power in Kansas City, controlling gambling and liquor licenses. 4. Battling the City’s Problems. a.

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    • [DOC File]Ordinance Supplementing the Pittsburgh City Code, Title ...

      Whereas, Pittsburgh is a City that embraces and celebrates diversity; and. Whereas, LGBT people are an important part of the American workforce, and as such, ensuring equal workplace benefits and non-discrimination protections for LGBT employees is critical to keeping Pittsburgh’s workforce competitive; and

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    • [DOC File]JOB Cal - Hach

      The Calendar is the heart of the JOB Cal system. It displays all the work to be done, completed work, and overdue work for a sliding 52-week period. Jobs can be closed, rescheduled, deleted, skipped, and created using the calendar. Key terms to know: A Work Order. and a . Job

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      Allows a city council, in a city where a municipal hospital is managed by an appointed board of trustees, to meet in a closed session held solely to consider reports involving trade secrets of the municipal hospital. Status: Chapter 157, Statutes of 2006. SPECIAL DISTRICTS. AB 159 (Salinas) Irrigation districts: directors.

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    • [DOC File]The Rise of the American City

      a. Boss Tweed in New York's controlled 60,000 jobs. He was arrested, bribed his way out of jail, escaped, re-caught and finally died in jail. b. Big Jim held absolute power in Kansas City, controlling gambling and liquor licenses. IV. Battling the City's Problems

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    • Civics, Unit 4

      3-3-1 A free and open press provides an important check on the three official branches of the federal government. 5.3.9.J 3-3-2 Evaluate the extent to which the media currently fulfills its civic responsibilities. 5.3.9.J 4-4-1 Pittsburgh public policy is created through the work of political parties, local interest groups and the media. 5.3.9.H

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    • [DOCX File]LCTOP FY18-19 Project Award - California

      The LCTOP funds shall be used to extend service hours on the City's (Purple) transit route. The additional hours will benefit patrons travelling to/from and through the City. The route operates from 10:30am - 4:30pm (Monday-Friday). The LCTOP funds allows the City to extend service hours from 9:00am - 6pm (Monday-Friday).

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