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    • [PDF File]Application for Online Breeder Classified

      Helpelp your purebred puppies find the perfect homes. The AKC Web site welcomes over a million visitors each month. By listing your litter on AKC’s site, your listing will reach many potential purebred puppy buyers. Post and maintain your listing. 60 days Modify your contact information, number of males and females for sale, and the sale price

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    • [PDF File]Puppy Scams: How Fake Online Pet Sellers Steal from ...

      Sep 01, 2017 · F raud in the sale of online pets is on the rise, with scammers victimizing American consumers at an alarming rate. In recent years, Americans have filed

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    • [PDF File]Demand AKC Papers Classified Advertising Program for Clubs

      Demand AKC Papers. Classified Advertising Program for Clubs . The American Kennel Club spends millions of dollars annually on advertising and public relations campaigns that promote our brand and communicate our mission to the public. However, as competition from other “registries” continues to grow and the sale of

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      7 days ago · ATTENTION: Classified Advertisers: ... should get results early and stop your ad. ALL ADS MUST BE PREPAID. You may pay by local check, cash, Mastercard or Visa. Check your ad the first day it runs to see that all the ... FOR SALE Under $100 FOR SALE Fill …

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    • [PDF File]Enforcement of Title 7: Litter Permits and Sale of Animals ...

      Within a 30 day period, the El Paso Times Classified Department published 65 dogs/puppy ads, and 4 cat/kitten ads. Based on the statics published by the National Humane Society of America, assuming that each ad only advertised one pet for sale and not a litter of puppies or kittens the community of El Paso will reproduce: 4,355,000 puppies in ...

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      FOR SALE Firewood by the truck load, no delivery. Local ash, elm and cottonwood, split this season, will load. $100.00 Call 262-3956 FOR SALE $10.00 sacks of firewood, good for camping and/or fire pits. Call 262-3956 FOR SALE Fill dirt material, $25.00 per 10yd. load. Call 262-4826. Pets GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPPIES for sale, about 9 weeks old. Call ...

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