Clonidine for precedex weaning

    • [PDF File]Sedation weaning guideline - PICU

      than 0.7 mcg/kg/hr – calculate total dose of clonidine in 24 hrs and divide into 8hrly doses and give enterally. If Clonidine given for: 10 days – reduce dose by 10% every 24 hours Monitor Blood Pressure 6 hourly while weaning Clonidine.


      Most patients should be managed on a combination of oral morphine solution and clonidine, but additional doses of choral.hydrate can be considered. If patient scores 6 or higher on withdrawal chart, please contact PICU (023 8079 4949) for advice. If symptoms are mild, start with clonidine; if more severe, give clonidine and oral morphine.

    • [PDF File]Treatment Guidelines for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome - UNC School of ...

      Weaning of Medications 1. If on a scheduled dose of morphine, begin weaning morphine by 10% of the highest “stabilizing” dose, examples listed below. 2. Weaning should occur as frequently as tolerated and can occur as often as 3 times per day (every 8 hours). If supportive care is increased, pharmacologic care can often be decreased rapidly. 3.

    • Opioid/benzodiazepine therapy

      Consider clonidine patch if patient is unable to tolerate PO medication Dexmedetomidine (Precedex®) Weaning Guideline WAT score should be assessed Q12 hr when weaning If WAT score is ≥3 x2, go back to previous dose and do not wean for at least 24 hours. May adjust dose up to max 5 mcg/kg/dose. For more info on WAT scoring, visit CHOA Policy

    • [PDF File]Catapres-TTS - Boehringer Ingelheim

      (clonidine) Catapres-TTS -1 Catapres-TTS -2 Catapres-TTS -3 Transdermal Therapeutic System Programmed delivery in vivo of 0.1, 0.2, or 0.3 mg clonidine per day, for one week. Rx only Prescribing Information DESCRIPTION CATAPRES-TTS® (clonidine) is a transdermal system providing continuous systemic delivery of

    • [PDF File]Dell Children’s Medical Center Pediatric Guideline

      No clonidine or dexmedetomidine taper necessary 4 days Discontinue dexmedetomidine infusion without a wean or wean infusion by 25% of original dose every 6 hours Monitor for symptoms of begin clonidine patch, may rescue with clonidine enterally as needed. ≥ 5 days Start clonidine patch (best to initiate 24-48 hours prior to

    • [PDF File]Clonidine: Use as a sedative in Critical Care - Royal Sussex County ...

      • Agita9on with tachycardia and hypertension, especially during weaning from the ven9lator. • Autonomic storm aBer trauma9c brain injury. • As an addi9onal seda9ve when adequate seda9on cannot be maintained using standard drugs. The half-life of clonidine is 10 – 20 hours, rising to up to 41 hours in end stage renal failure. Cauons

    • [PDF File]PICU SEDATION PROTOCOL - Children's Hospital & Medical Center

      required in 24 hour period, hold weaning of enterals by 1 day Lorazepam (Avan) scheduled dose (PO/NG) : (minimum dose 0.1mg) Lorazepam dose calculaon: Midazolam dose (mcg/kg/min) x weight x 60 x 0.75 1000 Day 1-3: Lorazepam (as calculated above) q6h. Max of 6mg q6h. Day 4: Con&nue same dose as day 1-3, decrease frequency to q8h

    • [PDF File]Program Evaluation: Weaning Protocol Utilizing Dexmedetomidine ...

      Dexmedetomidine (Precedex) for sedation in mechanically ventilated patients. Dexmedetomidine (Precedex) helps facilitate extubation in difficult to wean patients The benefits of using Dexmedetomidine (Precedex) outweigh the risk when used to assist with sedation guided towards agitation, unsynchronized ventilation, or weaning from ventilation.

    • [PDF File]Strategies for Tapering & Weaning - Utah Department of Health

      Strategies for Tapering & Weaning Strategies for Tapering and Weaning Strategies for tapering: From a medical standpoint, weaning from opioids can be done safely by ... pain and myoclonus can be managed with clonidine 0.1 – 0.2 mg orally every 6 hours or clonidine transdermal patch 0.1mg/24hrs (Catapres TTS-1™) weekly during the taper while ...

    • [PDF File]Weaning Guidelines for IV Sedative infusions

      Weaning Guidelines for IV Sedative infusions Multiple drug class weaning principles: ... Dexmedetomidine (if ≤ 0.4 mcg/kg/h) → Clonidine Assess WAT-1 only if concerns of withdrawal Version August 20, 2019. Title: Weaning Guide Aug 20 2019 Created Date: 8/20/2019 7:16:38 PM ...

    • [PDF File]Clonidine as a Strategy for Discontinuing Long-term Sedation with ...

      ii. Enteral clonidine shown to be effective as sedative in MV patients31–34 a. Oral (PO), transdermal, and solution for epidural available in the United States Table D. Comparison of Dexmedetomidine and Clonidine9,18 Dexmedetomidine (DEX) Clonidine (CLON) Alpha binding specificity (α 2:α 1) 1600:1 200:1 Formulation IV PO

    • Precedex (dexmedetomidine) Safety and Drug Utilization Review

      Precedex (dexmedetomidine HCl injection, also referred to as “DEX” in this review) was approved for adults on 12/17/99. Current indications (as of 11/14/14 label revision) include sedation of ...

    • [PDF File]Supplemental Appendix A: Institutional Clonidine Taper Order Panel - LWW

      enteral clonidine for ICU sedation: an observational pilot study. Pharmacotherapy. 2015 Nov; 35(3):251-9. Clonidine 0.3 mg or 0.2 mg q6ha Clonidine 0.2 mg q6h Clonidine 0.2 mg q8h Clonidine 0.2 mg q12h Clonidine 0.2 mg q24h Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Off Dexmedetomidine ↓ by 25% at t=0h Dexmedetomidine ↓ by 25% at t=6h Dexmedetomidine

    • [PDF File]Managing Neurostorming in a Patient with Severe Brain Injury - NACNS

      Precedex Start at 0.2 mcg/kg/min Max dose 1.4 mcg/kg/min Caution: Bradycardia Volume Typically only seen in ICU Bromocriptine Used for pyrexia or diaphoresis Start at 1.25 to 2.5 mg daily Max dose 100mg Dantrolene Used for dystonia or posturing Start 25mg/day Max dose 400mg/day Caution Hepatotoxic

    • [PDF File]Pediatric Critical Care Guideline for the Use of Dexmedetomidine

      Dexmedetomidine is similar to clonidine; however, dexmedetomidine has greater selectivity for alpha 2 than alpha 1-receptors (1600:1) as compared to clonidine (200:1). Stimulation of alpha ... • Adjunct to weaning other sedative medications in setting of drug withdrawal ADMINISTRATION/DOSING • Concentration: 200 mcg/50 mL NS (4 mcg/mL)

    • Pediatric Focused Safety Review Precedex (dexmedetomidine)

      Fatal cases Precedex™ continued (n=2) • A 15 day-old male was born at 24 weeks gestational age with low birth weight, hyaline membrane disease, bronchopulmonary hemorrhage, patent

    • Low-Dose Nocturnal Dexmedetomidine Prevents ICU Delirium - ATS Journals

      Current treatment with dexmedetomidine or clonidine Expected death within 24 h Inability to obtain informed consent Pregnancy Definition of abbreviation: ICDSC=Intensive Care Delirium Screening Checklist. At a Glance Commentary Scientific Knowledge on the Subject: No pharmacologic agent has been shown to prevent or treat delirium in ...

    • [PDF File]Sedation, Analgesia, and Paralysis in the Intensive Care Unit Cathy L ...

      6. Precedex Package Insert. Abbott Laboratories Inc. Chicago, Ill. September 2000. 7. Fish DN. Treatment of delirium in the critically ill patient. Clinical Pharmacy 1991;10:456-64. 8. Ziehm SR. Intravenous haloperidol for tranquilization in critical care patients: a review and critique. AACN Clinical Issues 1991;2:765-77. 9.

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