Clothes for girls cheap

    • [DOC File]

      There are three girls and three boys who are dressed in three different styles (Formally, sporty and showy). (Appendix 2) ... It may be because of the opportunity to be able to find a product in very different prices from expensive to cheap. ... Clothes can be used for several and contradictory purposes.

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    • [DOC File]Name of Case Study - geotallis - Home

      7p an hour is the same as £23.69 a month. Primark makes a large profit when it sells the clothes to people living in LEDCs. They want people in poorer countries to be paid lower wages. In India Primark is legally allowed to pay women and girls less than boys for making clothes.

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    • [DOC File]1 -

      - Two Family Sale - daybed, toys, boys clothes, kitchen table, and chairs, lots of household items, men and women's clothing. Friday 5-7p.m. and Saturday 7-10a.m. 36. 127 Mill Road

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    • [DOC File]Answers to even-numbered questions

      2. Why are clothes with designer labels so much more expensive than ‘own brand’ clothes from a chain store, even though they may cost a similar amount to produce? Because fashion is an important determinant of demand. The more fashionable a product, the higher will be the demand, and the less elastic will be the demand, at any given price.

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