Clumpy white discharge no odor

    • [DOC File]OBGYN—Vulvovaginitis and STDs - Josh Corwin

      The vaginal exam reveals a thin, white malodorous discharge that is coating the vaginal walls, which is suggestive of BV. A diagnosis of BV can be made if 3 out of 4 Amstel’s criteria are met: (a) pH >4.5, (b) positive clue cells, (c) positive amine odor, and (d) thin, homogeneous, white discharge.

      thick white clumpy vaginal discharge

    • [DOC File]“Goats in the Woods” Workbook for Teams

      1.5.2 Standards for the Discharge of Pollutants 13. ... 1 Ammonia 1.5 2 Sulfureted hydrogen 0.06 3 Odor concentration 20 Table 1.5-7 Factory boundary standard values of odor pollutants. No. Control projects Primary standard(mg/m3) 1 Ammonia 1.0 2 Sulfureted hydrogen 0.03 3 Odor concentration 10

      clumpy white discharge early pregnancy

    • [DOC File]1 总论 - World Bank

      Positive amine, "whiff" or "fishy odor" test (liberation of biologic amines with or without the addition of 10% KOH). Homogeneous, nonviscous, milky-white discharge adherent to the vaginal walls. Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis in Nonpregnant Women. The 2015 STD Treatment Guidelines recommend treatment in symptomatic women with bacterial ...

      clumpy discharge and itching

    • [DOC File]Vaginitis

      Increase in vaginal discharge and malodor. Thin, gray-white-yellow, homogenous fluid. Fishy/musty odor – stronger after intercourse. No irritative symptoms Diagnosis. Except for the presence of abnormal discharge, pelvic exam is usually normal. Examine secretions under microscope, mix with 10% KOH. Amsel’s criteria (3 out of 4 necessary for ...

      odorless white clumpy discharge

    • [DOCX File]Sol | 빗코인은 "CRYPSOL" 링크로!

      In order to address existing problems and to improve the sanitary and epidemiological situation, the Government of Uzbekistan has planned implementation of priority projects for the period of 2009-2012 included by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 12.06.2008, No. PP-890 “:On measures to further improve the provision of the rural population and cities with ...

      odorless thick white vaginal discharge

    • [DOC File]Sexually Transmitted Infections and Vulvovaginitis - handout

      They will often have a white clumpy discharge. Women with classic vaginal itch who have a history of yeast vaginitis or are at risk (such as from recent antibiotic therapy) may reasonably treat themselves empirically without further testing, but empiric treatment should be avoided under other circumstances.

      chunky white discharge no odor

    • [DOCX File]Test Bank for - Springer Publishing

      and vagina Scant discharge Lack of rugae Rare >5-6 Saline. Parabasal cells Few to many WBCs Desquamative inflammatory vaginitis Petechiae of vulva, vagina and. cervix Dyspareunia Pruritus or irritation Thick, profuse No odor Rare

      white clumpy discharge not yeast

    • White chunky discharge no odor no itch: Is it Yeast Infection?

      Candida – +/- clumpy white discharge, budding hyphae, vaginal pH4-4.5. Trichomonas – motile trichomonads on NS, possible + pap. Your patient has clue cells on her saline wet mount, a fishy odor with KOH and a grayish discharge on exam. You diagnose her with bacterial vaginosis.

      clumpy white discharge no itching

    • [DOC File]CHAPTER 8 I

      Blood tinged or bloody discharge may be of little concern or an emergency depending on where it’s coming from and how much there is. Clear or white discharge from a goat’s nose, may indicate a mild cold or allergy and should be monitored. Thick yellow, white, green, green-tinged, or black is not good, no matter where it’s coming from.

      thick white clumpy vaginal discharge

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