Cnn news summary article

    • [DOC File]Chemistry – Current Events Notebook Format

      articles may come from reputable websites (e.g., discovery, local news, national geographic, etc). Students are expected to read each article and write a . summary. Following every summary include a citation using MLA format. The summary may be hand-written and/or typed. Purpose:

      article nonfiction current events

    • [DOCX File]Fake News in the Trump Era: Deciphering What’s True in a ...

      Donald Trump has used the phrase “fake news” in several of his recent tweets, calling out specific news sources such as the New York Times, NBC, ABC, CBS, and CNN as “FAKE NEWS media”, and describing these news sources as “the enemy of the American People” (Tweet). The president’s words spark confusion, as he defines fake news as ...

      argumentative articles cnn

    • [DOCX File]Current Events Assignment Outline

      Summary Paragraphs and Reflection Paragraph(s) Work Cited page needed. Please cut out, print, or photocopy the article in. and staple it with the assignment. You may also email me the link to the article. If you do not attach the article, or if do you not email me the link, you will automatically lose 10 points off your grade.

      article about a current event


      Mar 05, 2012 · SOURCE (Who produced the article? Example: CNN News, NASA, etc.): MAIN IDEA (What): SUMMARY (When, Where, Why, How – Minimum of five (5) complete sentences. You must summarize in your own words): EVALUATION (Your Comments and/or Opinion – Minimum of three (3) complete sentences): Directions:

      article for today

    • [DOC File]Current Event Article Rubric

      Health related article (newspaper, magazine or Internet) which was written within the last three months. Article chosen clearly relates to current health topic. It gives information to understand health better. Comes from a reliable news source. Write: Two Paragraphs: 1st . Summary. of the article in your own words. 2nd . Connections

      article headlines

    • [DOC File]Mrs. Russo's Class Website

      Fantz, A., Teen shot for her advocacy is “the daughter of the whole world,” dad says, CNN News, March 8, 2013. Article of the Week #1. Teen Shot for Her Advocacy is “the Daughter of the Whole World,” Dad Says (950L) Instructions: COMPLETE ALL QUESTIONS AND MARGIN NOTES. Read . the following article carefully and. make notes in the ...

      a newspaper article

    • [DOCX File]Economics CNN Student News Extra Credit Assignment

      Economics CNN Student News Extra Credit Assignment. Go to the CNN Student News Site. Write a 2 paragraph summary based on a segment or article related to the U.S. or Global Economy. Your paragraphs should contain 7 – 10 full and complete sentences. Date and Name of CNN Student News clip watched: _____ Summary:

      cnn daily mail dataset

    • [DOCX File]U.S. Government CNN Student News Extra Credit Assignment

      Go to the CNN Student News Site. Write a 2 paragraph summary based on a segment or article related to the U.S. Government. Your paragraphs should contain 7 – 10 full and complete sentences. Date and Name of CNN Student News clip watched: _____ Summary: Save the document with your name in the title ...

      article from the news

    • [DOCX File](example of current events assignment)

      When current event articles are due, random students will be selected that week to present their respective article. For the article you choose, you should write or type your summary in the following format: Article Title (5): Write the title at the top of your page. Summary (40): Write a summary paragraph, in your own words, about the article.

      article nonfiction current events

    • [DOCX File](example of current events assignment)

      Summary (4): Write a summary paragraph, in your own words, about the article. It needs to be at least SIX to EIGHT SENTENCES LONG. You can’t copy verbatim from the article. Doing so will result in a grade of “0.” Only two quotes may be used in your summary. Significance (5): Write at least 3-4 sentences discussing why you chose the ...

      argumentative articles cnn

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