Cold sweats and lightheadedness

    • [DOC File]SHANTI Pages | Simple, Fast Websites for the UVa Community

      A heart attack can cause cold sweats, nausea, and lightheadedness. If you or anyone else you know experience these symptoms, get help right away. New treatments and medications can be life saving both in the short and long term. Sauerkraut: A Great Use of Cabbage. NANCY GING - FOR THE BELLINGHAM HERALD .

      cold sweat and dizziness

    • Cold Sweats and Dizziness

      You could be having a heart attack if you have chest and upper body pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, cold sweats, nausea, or lightheadedness. You might be having a stroke if you have numbness in the face, arm, or leg; confusion; trouble talking or seeing; dizziness; or a severe headache.

      sudden cold sweats dizziness nausea

    • [DOC File]University of Kentucky

      11. The resident asked about symptoms of low or high blood sugar (shakiness, cold sweats, confusion, lightheadedness for the former, or feeling very thirsty, frequent urination, or increased appetite). (“No trouble with that.”) DONE NOT DONE. 12. The resident asked about orthostatic dizziness (feeling like you are going to faint upon standing).

      dizzy spells and cold sweats

    • [DOC File]

      Symptoms can be different from those typically experienced by men; women may or may not experience chest pain. Instead, they may notice flu-like symptoms, such as nausea, cold sweats, lightheadedness and trouble breathing, along with discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach. ### Editors: a photo of Dr. Bailey is available.

      chills and hot sweats dizziness


      Occasional cold sweats. Dizzy/light-headed upon standing quickly from a lying or crouched position. ... Cold hands or feet/other extremities. Hair loss . ... Lightheadedness or dizziness. Heart palpitations. Shortness of breath; chest pain. Sore, red, glazed-looking tongue ...

      light headed and dizzy sweating

    • [DOCX File]Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research | Washington ...

      __ Lightheadedness/dizziness upon standing or walking ... __ Recurrent drenching night sweats __ Soft or velvety skin __ Stretchy skin ... __ Dry mouth __ Dry eyes __ Trouble wearing contacts __ Raynaud’s phenomenon (fingers and/or toes turn blue/white in cold) Gastrointestinal __ Nausea and/or vomiting __ Diarrhea __ Constipation

      dizziness and cold sweat symptoms

    • [DOC File]Nephrology Associates of Syracuse, PC | Kidney Doctors

      Cold from deficiency of SP or KD with diarrha. Dosage: 9 – 15 g up to 30 g if fresh. HT, KD, LR. Salty, sweet, cold. Nourishes the yin and anchors the yang: for yin deficiency with ascending yang with night sweats, dizziness, tinnitus, and steaming bone disorder.

      dizziness and sweating forehead

    • [DOCX File]Recognizing a Heart Attack - DeRiemaker

      Cold Leg weakness . It hurts when I: lift, stand, sit, bend, walk or . Dizziness Calf pain _____ ... Lightheadedness Elbow pain. Nervousness Finger numbness/tingling. Night Sweats Arm numbness/tingling. Bloating Upper back spasm. Burning urination …

      light headed cold sweat dizzy

    • [DOCX File]Absolute Health Science

      headache seizures dizziness lightheadedness confusion concussion ... mouth lesions/ulcers/cold sores difficulty chewing or swallowing swollen glands. other (describe): _____ ... pleural effusion chronic cough night sweats . Smoking History: Never Smoked Ex-Smoker (quit at least one month ago) Current smoker ...

      cold sweat and dizziness

    • [DOCX File]

      Aug 27, 2020 · ( Cold/heat intolerance ( Hot flashes. Genitourinary ( Prostate problems ( Weak/slow urine stream ( Kidney stones ( Frequent urination ( Blood in urine ( Burning with urination ( Wake at night to urinate Nervous System ( Severe headaches ( Dizziness/lightheadedness ( Loss of balance ( Numbness or tingling. Bones/Muscles/Joints

      sudden cold sweats dizziness nausea

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