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      David Hancock (Comcast) presented this contribution, which reflects comments made on the April 28, 2020, session of the IP-NNI TF meeting. This revision removes the RespOrg material, assuming the creation of a new Technical Report addressing RespOrgs; adds a note that support for TN AuthList pass-by-reference can be added to a subsequent version of the document; and removes support for signing ...

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    • Maritime Metro Transit

      Members not present - Alderman Representative, and Valerie Mellon, Director Public Works, Parks and, City Engineer, Tom Kiel. Call meeting to order-Janet called the meeting to order at 4:16 PM. Approval of the minutes - Linda S. moved to approve the minutes, Claudia second –approved. Public Input – No public present. Update on service hour ...

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    • [DOC File]

      Chairman Mongan mentioned he did not get the calendar invite and asked that it be sent to his Comcast email address. Mr. Harclerode asked when we come back to the building and is the parking garage open and Mr. Cullingford stated the parking garage is closed.

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    • [DOCX File]Edcor ACLS PALS Roster

      For Students who have not yet met course completion requirements, a copy of their written examination answer sheet and skills performance sheet is attached to the roster. A copy of the on-line certificate CPR Critical Skills Testing Check List for BLS Provider must be available by the Training Site or Instructor upon request at any time or sent ...

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    • [DOC File]Bear Hollow Village HOA

      This Newsletter will provide you with an update on things happening in our community and other information. ***** COMCAST CABLE UPDATE. Comcast cable has advised Howie they have completed the fiber optics cable installation into the remaining areas of the community ( basically, units north of the Clubhouse that did not have the fiber optics ...

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    • [DOC File]First United Methodist Church

      Articles not received by the deadline may not be printed until the October 2020 Newsletter. ***** MEMBERSHIP DIRECT EMAIL OR TEXT. If you would like to be included in an email message about church activities and news while we cannot meet together in person, please email the church office at with your desired email.

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    • [DOC File]

      IMPORTANT REMINDERS: All contractors must be insured. Unit Owners are responsible for verifying a current Certificate of Insurance is on file at the management office-Belle Terre Property Management- Telephone 603.863.1405 or email Update June 2019

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    • [DOCX File]ESIF 22 Agenda

      Wendt (Comcast) and David Hancock (Comcast) will generate a high-level summary of the Object Identifier (OID) specification issue, including international aspects, economic aspects, and PKI. This Action Item was closed with the posting of IPNNI-2020-00063R000 and IPNNI-2020-00064R000.

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    • [DOC File]High Life 001a PCN Home Page | Ret Pilot Page | PCN ...

      Following update on death of Barbara Wood: ... Now to the specifics for you Neil and your Comcast email (other methods to block are similar though not exactly the following) on how to filter certain addresses or messages. ... like Entering the full address will filter that email but not the rest from the PCN.

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      Please complete and mail or fax this form to Bill Criss, 14940 Boaters Cove Place, Woodbridge, VA 22191 (or fax 703-492-4800 or scan and email it to whether or not you plan to attend the Reunion. This Questionnaire is also available on our class website.

      is comcast updating their email

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