Commentary of luke

    • [PDF File]CLASS NOTES: THE GOSPEL OF LUKE - Greenville, Texas

      this would likely make Luke the only Gentile author in the New Testament.5 Third, Luke was a physician (Col 4:14). Date Dating Luke is largely dependent on the relationship of the Gospel of Luke to Acts, the relation of the Olivet Discourse in Luke 21:5–36 to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, and how one

    • [PDF File]International Bible Lessons Commentary Luke 8:26-36 + 37-39

      International Bible Lesson Commentary . Luke 8:26-39 (Luke 8:26) They sailed to the region of the Gerasenes, which is across the lake from Galilee. Jesus traveled from town to town proclaiming and preaching the kingdom of God (Luke 8:1). Before He left with His disciples to cross the Sea of Galilee in a boat to proclaim the

    • [PDF File]International Bible Lessons Commentary Luke 7:36-50

      International Bible Lesson Commentary . Luke 7:36-50. 2 (Luke 7:36) Now one of the Pharisees was requesting Him to dine with him, and He entered the Pharisee’s house and reclined at the table. We know nothing about Simon the Pharisee or the unnamed woman before or after this event. We know

    • [PDF File]The Discipler’s Commentary

      The Purpose of This Commentary The purpose of this commentary is to serve as a tool for discipleship. How can a Christian’s faith be built apart from the knowledge of God’s word? The answer is, “It can’t.” This commentary provides a tool for building faith. It is designed so that it

    • [PDF File]Luke: The NIV Application Commentary

      How to Use This Commentary Series Introduction General Editor’s Preface Author’s Preface Abbreviations Introduction to Luke Outline to the Gospel of Luke Select Annotated Bibliography on Luke Text and Commentary on Luke Luke 1:1–4 Luke 1:5–25 Luke 1:26–38 Luke 1:39–56 Luke 1:57–80 Luke 2:1–21 Luke 2:22–40 Luke 2:41–52 Luke 3 ...

    • [PDF File]Complete Commentary On Luke

      6 Section 1 Luke: The Man Christ Jesus The Birth of Jesus and the Beginning of his Work Luke 1:1 to 4:13 Ian Mackervoy This commentary has been through Advanced Checking.

    • [PDF File]One of Many Interpretations and Meditations of our Forefathers

      St. Luke wrote this gospel to his dear friend Theophilus (Luke 1: 3). The title ‘dear’ is an honorable one. This is why the majority of people think he is of honorable peers, of an Antiochan origin, such as St. Luke the herald himself. He therefore wrote to him since he was a Gentile like himself.

    • [PDF File]A Storytelling Commentary on Luke 24:13-35

      A Storytelling Commentary on Luke 24:13-35 Thomas E. Boomershine, PhD Now on that same day two of them were going to a village called Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself came near and went with them,


      THE GOSPEL OF LUKE: A BACKGROUND, OUTLINE, ANALYSIS AND COMMENTARY BRIEF CONTEXT OF THE GOSPEL OF LUKE. In this examination of the Gospel of Luke, my objective is to present a summary of background and introductory issues, point out some general observations, delineate the purpose, theme, unfolding and outline of the Gospel.

    • [PDF File]Luke-Chapter 01-Answer Outline

      Luke 1 1 The Discipler’s Commentary Answer Outline for the Discipler Luke 1 1:1-4 – Luke’s introduction to his gospel: he was Theophilus’s personal physician The discipler may want to introduce the other gospel writers, and that Luke was the only one who was not an eyewitness.

    • [PDF File]Commentary on Luke 11:14-36 Jesus and Beelzebul (Luke 11 ...

      Commentary on Luke 11:14-36 We pick up this week with another story where Jesus is casting out demons! In Luke 11:14, we read that the demon Jesus was casting out was mute and therefore made the man he was possessing mute. After Jesus cast out the demon, the man began speaking and some of the people in the crowd began to marvel!

    • [PDF File]Studies in Luke

      Hendrickson William Hendrickson, New Testament Commentary Luke, Baker Book House, 1978. Hughes Kent Hughes, Luke: That You May Know the Truth (Crossway, 1998), 2 volumes. Liefeld Walter L. Liefeld, Luke, in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary (Zondervan, 1984). Marshall I. Howard Marshall, The Gospel of Luke: A Commentary on the Greek Text ...

    • [PDF File]Commentary on LUKE - Clover Sites

      Intro to the SDA Bible Commentary on LUKE The Gospel According to ST. LUKE INTRODUCTION 1. Title. The earliest manuscripts having the title of this gospel read, "According to Luke." Later manuscripts read, "The Gospel According to Luke," or, "The Holy Gospel According to Luke." 2. Authorship. The ancient and unanimous consensus of ...

    • [PDF File]THE GOSPEL OF LUKE - Bible Commentaries

      About the Gospel of Luke and Acts, The Pulpit Commentary observes: ‘This Third Gospel was most carefully composed, with the view of satisfying the requirements of a thoughtful, cultured man, such as was probably that ‘most excellent Theophilus’ to whom the Gospel was addressed.

    • [PDF File]The Wiersbe Bible Commentary

      LUKE 137 JOHN 227 ACTS 321 ROMANS 409 1 CORINTHIANS 453 2 CORINTHIANS 501 GALATIANS 545 EPHESIANS 583 PHILIPPIANS 627 COLOSSIANS 657 1 THESSALONIANS 701 2 THESSALONIANS 731 1 TIMOTHY 747 ... lished my commentary on 1 John and called it Be Real. Nobody remembers who named the book, but for me it was the beginning of three decades of intensive ...

    • [PDF File]A Storytelling Commentary on Luke 13:31-35

      A Storytelling Commentary on Luke 13:31-35 Thomas E. Boomershine, PhD Jesus' lament over Jerusalem is set in the context of the description of the Pharisees warning Jesus about Herod wanting to kill him and of Jesus' words about Herod and his own mission. In telling the story, be aware that Jesus is addressing the Pharisees who came to warn him.

    • [PDF File]SDA Bible Commentary The Gospel According to St. Luke

      Luke, that is, the one who encourage Luke and provided him with much of the information contained in Luke’s writings. About the year A.D. 185 Iraneous wrote: “Luke, the follower of Paul, put in a book the gospel that was preached by him.” The famous Muratorian Fragment, a portion of a document written toward the close of the

    • [PDF File]Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 1

      Commentary on Matthew, Mark, Luke - Volume 1 by John Calvin. This document has been generated from XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) source with RenderX XEP Formatter, version 3.7.3 Client Academic.

    • A Critical Commentary on Luke

      commentary. Yet Luke's Gospel, in a conspicuous degree, has a character of its own. Even when it runs parallel with the other gospels it needs to be considered separately, and most of the commentators have shrunk from this labor. Dr. Easton has undertaken to write a commentary of moderate bulk

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