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    • [DOCX File]Australian regulatory guidelines for medical devices

      A new medical device approved at any time during a financial year will be liable for the full annual charge for that financial year, in addition to the application and/or assessment fees paid. There is no reduction in the annual fee if a medical device is only on the ARTG for part of a year.

    • [DOCX File]Intercostal Catheter Management: Insertion to Removal ...

      Compare with initial measurement recorded in clinical record. If the catheter has moved more than 2 cm, contact the MO. ... Ensure patient is comfortable with new dressing change and understands when the next dressing change will be attended. ... Collect pathology request form, ensure the MO completed all fields …

    • [DOC File]ChemMatters Teacher's Guide

      Maxwell suggested that if two substances were in contact, separated only by a thin wall with a door, and the particles of the two substances were traveling at different velocities, then if a hypothetical character called Maxwell’s demon were to open the door in the wall, faster-moving particles would pass through in one direction and slower ...

    • [DOCX File]CHAPTER 12

      The Family Support Center is a small charitable organization. It has only four full-time employees: two staff, an accountant, and an office manager. The majority of its funding comes from two campaign drives, one in the spring and one in the fall. Donors make pledges over the telephone.

    • [DOC File] - tools for all your teaching needs.

      As can be seen, only two digits were used for the year (which was common in the last century). Write a script that will read this file into a matrix, create a new matrix which stores the years correctly as 19xx, and then write this to a new file called “y2ktemp.dat”. (Hint: …

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