Comparing rational and irrational numbers

    • Difference Between Rational and Irrational Numbers (with Compari…

      Comparing and Ordering Rational NumbersName. Fill in each blank with < , > , or = to make each sentence true. 1. 2 5 2.0.03___0.0033. 1.1 ___ 1.05

      rational and irrational numbers difference

    • [DOCX File]Worksheet 2.4 Comparing and Ordering Rational Numbers

      Section NS – 1: Rational and Irrational Numbers. Rational Numbers: A number that can be written as the quotient of two integers (fraction) 7 -10 Irrational Numbers: A number that cannot be written as the quotient of two integers. The decimal form of an irrational number neither terminates or repeats. 0.202002000… Decimal Expansions

      rational and irrational numbers pdf

    • [DOC File]Pre – Algebra

      Students explore distinctions between rational and irrational numbers. They consider quadratic functions, comparing the key characteristics of quadratic functions to those of linear and exponential functions. They select from among these functions to model phenomena. Students learn to anticipate the graph of a quadratic function by interpreting ...

      irrational and rational number chart

    • [DOC File]Lesson One:

      I. Comparing properties of the natural numbers, integers, rational numbers, real numbers, complex numbers. As we move from the natural numbers to the integers, then the rational numbers, etc., we are at each stage enlarging our definition of number, and thus enlarging the set of numbers …

      list of rational and irrational numbers

    • [DOC File]Moving Beyond the Integers: The Rational, Real, and ...

      The student will determine the relative size of rational numbers, comparing fractions, integers, decimals and percents. The student will compare rational and irrational numbers and discuss the differences. Students will determine which two whole numbers that radicals are located between. Guiding Questions

      understanding rational and irrational numbers

    • [DOC File]Livingston County Schools

      Students will use the placement of irrational number line to visually see the value of an irrational number by comparing it to rational numbers. Common Core Standards: CC.8.NS.1.Understand informally that every number has a decimal expansion; the rational numbers are those with decimal expansions that terminate in 0's or eventually repeat.

      rational and irrational number worksheet

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