Compatibility between aquarius and leo


      Astrological Compatibility Astrologically, each individual is represented by a chart of the planets and houses at the moment of his birth. By comparing and contrasting the interrelationships of two separate charts, the astrologer can reveal the many ways and many levels that two people relate with each other.

    • [DOCX File]swisseph documentation

      The motion in between those two points, is an oscillation with the period of a month. This oscillation is largely an artifact caused by the reduction of the Moon’s orbit to a two-body problem. The amplitude of the oscillation of the osculating apogee around the mean apogee is +/- 30 degrees, while the actual apogee's deviation from the mean ...

    • [DOC File]The Compatibility Report for

      Maria's Sun in Scorpio and Arnold's Sun in Leo: Both of you are very proud, stubborn, strong-willed individuals and you are attracted to the strength of character that you sense in each other. There is a feeling of conquest between you that may serve to intensify the excitement of your attraction to each other.


      How do the Nakshatras relate to animal types? Nakshatras relates to an animal type, based upon the sign in which it is located. Aries (ram), Taurus (bull), Capricorn (goat) and first half of Sagittarius are quadrupeds. Leo is a forest dweller. Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Aquarius and second half of Sagittarius are human. Cancer and Pisces are aquatic.


      High compatibility is above 25 points. Good compatibility is usually above 20 points. Average is 18 points. Of what use is the traditional Hindu computative method of relationship compatibility? Traditional Kuta system measures primary the compatibility between Moons and Nakshatras.


      Linkages promote compatibility between the two persons who form the linkage. If one of the planets forming a linkage is Chiron, we call it a CHIRON LINKAGE. Chiron Linkages are the most reliable signs that two persons can fall in love. Chiron is the most romantic planet and has the most important romantic meanings.

    • [DOC File]1

      Sedona is one of the world's leading New Age centers in Arizona, USA. Leading Indian New Ager Dr. Leo Rebello**, see attachment, writes: From 19th December 2007 to 8th January 2008, I flew about 115 hours, covering over 100,000 km, crisscrossing almost entire USA.

    • [DOCX File]

      It means all the signs from Leo through to including Aquarius will have strong potential for YODS. But also all SUN SIGNS from Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo will have a greater than usual chance to have natal yods with their Sun. DIGEST THE MEANING… as a midpoint in a sextile it must at least uplift the sextile.

    • [DOC File]One flu over this cuckoo's nest

      Aquarius: Winter's on the way, so it may be time to grow some back hair for the frosty nights ahead, or at the very least, combover your bum cheek hair. Virgo: Stop talking to blokes at the urinal. And let's never speak of this again. Leo: Continue doing the "pull my finger" gag.

    • [DOCX File]Portsmouth College - Make it Happen

      The month of January (as you will have seen from our horoscopes) is all about the Aquarius but that isn’t the only month that is special to them. April to May (not to steal any of the Taurus’ thunder) is when, if the conditions are clear and calm, you will be able to see the The Eta Aquarids, a meteor shower created from debris of the Comet ...

    • [DOCX File]E.A.S.

      1. Alan Oken Human Relationships in the Age of Aquarius (2 parts) 2. Buz Myers Pluto in Scorpio (2 parts) 3. Buz Myers The Moon Saturn Relationship (2 parts) 4. Jeanne Darling What Kind of Relationship (2 parts) 5. Karen Johns Moving Forward Means Looking Back (2 parts) 6.

    • [DOC File]I

      Compatibility is enhanced strongly by Ametrine. Negativity is dispersed from the aura, transforming negative emotions into those supporting integration and cooperation. Ametrine is useful for supporting astral travel, providing protection and awareness of the differences between the physical and astral realms.

    • [DOC File]Walking the Path

      The difference between now and then is that I realise I was a child. It doesn't change the fact that it happened and it doesn't change the memories. Like a deep scar it is something that one carries forever. The real difference is that I have absolved myself of any shame or embarrassment. I was a victim to a terrible crime but I soon learned ...

    • [DOCX File]AstroWorld - Pundit Roshan Singh

      hen Leo in The 7-th HouseThe native tends to be attracted to a partner who is dynamic, dramatic, strong, and vital. Oddly, the Aquarius personality is inclined to seek a mate that is a close reflection of the ego, or of what the native feels about him/herself.

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