Concealed carry license application texas

    • How much does it cost to get a concealed carry license in Texas?

      How much does a Texas Concealed Handgun License cost? The cost for an initial or renewal Texas Concealed Handgun Permit is $40. View the complete Texas Concealed Handgun License Fee Schedule for other discounted rates. How long is a Texas Concealed Handgun License valid for?

    • How many states honor a Texas concealed carry license?

      Texas recognizes concealed carry permits from more than 40 different states. The remaining states have no agreement with Texas, due to Constitutional Carry measures or other legislative policies. Texas does have CCW reciprocity agreements with many states. Around 31 states will recognize Texas’s resident permit at this time.


      for Texas DL/ID holders: The Texas DL or ID photo on file with the Department will be used for the License to Carry a Handgun (LTC). APPLICATION FOR LICENSE TO CARRY A HANDGUN (LTC) Are you: Active • Judge (GC §411.201) • Felony Prosecutor (GC §411.199) • Other Prosecutor (GC §411.174) (GC§411.1882) • Texas Peace Officer (GC §411.1991)

    • [PDF File]To Apply For a New OR to Renew the Texas Department of ... - HPOU

      To apply for a new or to renew a Texas DPS License to Carry a Handgun, visit the Texas Department of Public Safety's website at and click on the 'Handgun Licensing' link to complete your application.

    • [PDF File]Texas License to Carry A Handgun Statute & Selected Laws

      If you want to apply for or renew a license to carry a handgun in Texas, you need to know the laws and regulations that govern this process. Download the LTC-16 form, which contains the latest information on eligibility, fees, training, and background checks. Learn how to fill out the form and submit it to the Department of Public Safety.

    • [PDF File]Texas Department of Public Safety Regulatory Services Division

      The Texas DL/ID photo on file with the Department will be used for the LTC. Applicants who are born out of country, must provide unexpired lawful presence documents, i.e. Certificate of Naturalization, Permanent Resident Card, US Passport, etc.

    • [PDF File]Texas License to Carry (LTC) Fee Table - Texas Department of ...

      Texas License to Carry (LTC) Fee Table. LTC applicants may be eligible for a discount and/or certain exemption(s). Application Conditions. Government Code. Original Application Fee. Renewal Application Fee. Standard Condition.

    • [PDF File]Texas Department of Public Safety Mail to: Regulatory ...

      If you want to renew your license to carry a handgun in Texas, you can download and fill out the online renewal application form (LTC-77.pdf) from the Department of Public Safety website. This form will require your personal information, license number, and payment details. You can also find other forms and laws related to handgun licensing on the same website.

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