Conservative christian actors


      Churches as Political Actors in Ukraine, Michigan State University, 1995. Franklin-Harkrider, Melissa Lianne “Faith is a Noble Duchess”: Piety, Patronage, and Kinship in the Career of Katherine Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk, 1519-1580 (England). The University of …

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    • [DOC File]The Luce Symposium on Global Religion and Human Security

      Christian Novetzke, University of Washington. ROWENA ROBINSON, ... How the Lay Buddhist Organization Soka Gakkai and Its Political Affiliate Komeito Have Thwarted Conservative Attempts to Revise the 1947 Constitution. ... Religious Non-State Actors and Secular Democracy: Evidence from Political Islam in Turkey.

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    • [DOC File]Conservatives near lock on US courts

      An internal 2002 memo to Sen. Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts says in part: "The thinking is that the current 6th Circuit will sustain the affirmative action program, but if a new judge with conservative views is confirmed before the case is decided, that new judge will be able, under 6th Circuit rules, to review the case and vote on it."

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      RELIGION, VIOLENCE, AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION . Marc Gopin. Religion has a dual legacy in human history regarding peace and violence. Conflict resolution theory must examine more systematically the decision-making of religious actors and leaders in order for strategies of peacemaking to be effective in the relevant contexts.

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    • [DOCX File]Neg: .com

      China-Japan dispute over Senkaku Islands: Any conflict between the world's second- and third-largest economies could pave the way for a wider conflagration.The US is committed by treaty to Japan's defense and could get dragged into a conflict with China, in the event that Tokyo and Beijing came to blows over the disputed Senkaku Islands (called Diaoyu in Chinese) in the East China Sea.

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      Similarly, actors will sometimes advocate foreign policies that subvert the existing domestic social order. On the liberal view, the effect of conceptions of social legitimacy on state behavior depends on patterns of interdependence among these ideals—in other words, on the transnational externalities created for others by attempts to realize ...

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    • [DOC File]Considerations on reflections

      Considerations on reflections. concerning Irenaeus' and Origen's. treatment of Paul's epistle to the Romans. Given the many interesting and meaningful observations in papers and responses for the seminar I limit myself to some contextual and atmospheric observations that might be …

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    • [DOC File]Surrogate Representation: Forging new and broader ...

      This is crucial because the experience of losing impacts voters’ attitudes about politics and political actors. If there are few alternative access points that give voice to under-represented interests in the system, losing can generate attitudinal orientations and behavioral outcomes that threaten regime legitimacy (Anderson et al. 2005).

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    • [DOC File]Diverse cultural identities: the challenges of integrating ...

      Policy makers in these areas can include both state and non-state actors at the national and local levels. ... employees express their approval of the right to abortion, or the rights of homosexuals to adopt a child, could a conservative Christian, Muslim or Jewish employee have a case of harassment, as they may feel they have been working in ...

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    • [DOC File]Of Mice and Men: Theme of Friendship

      Each section was meant to be a scene of a play performed by actors. This explains why there is a lack of what critics refer to as “detail” and an abundance of dialogue. ... conservative Christian interpretation of the myth of man’s expulsion from the Garden of Eden, the novel presents women as a temptation leading to man’s fall from ...

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