Convert to metric system

    • [DOC File]Metric Measurement – Lab #3

      The beauty of the metric system is that all measurements are based on “10’s” making it simpler to convert from unit to unit. The universal “language” of science is based in the metric system and that is the main purpose of this lab experience.

      how to convert metric units

    • [DOC File]The Metric System

      To convert measurements within the metric system is a simple matter of multiplying or dividing by 10, 100, 1000, etc. Even simpler, it is a matter of moving the decimal point to the left or right. The first step is to draw a "metric line" with the basic unit in the center, marking off six units to the left and six units to the right.

      metric to us measurement conversion

    • [DOC File]Lab I Part II - Units of Measurement and the Metric System

      Unlike the English system, conversions within the metric system are relatively easy; all being based on increments of 10. All measurements that you take in the Anatomy & Physiology Lab should be in metric units unless otherwise stated. Also, be sure to report your data in the specific units requested (i.e. mm if asked for, not cm).

      conversion rules for metric system


      Quantity Metric unit Symbol Equivalent Mass Gram g 1 g = 0.0022 pound Length Meter m 1 m = 3.280 feet Volume Liter l 1 l = 1.057 quarts Temperature Celsius (C 1(C = 1.89(F If you want to convert grams to pounds, multiply the number of grams by 0.0022.

      metric system conversion chart


      Convert: 8000 g to kg = 25,000 g to kg = 5.2 kg to g = 12.42 kg to g = 4.2 g to mg = 3.89 g to cg = 598 mg to g = 7634 cg to g = One nickel weighs 5 grams. How many nickels are in 1 kilogram of nickels? ... METRIC SYSTEM WORKSHEET ...

      converting between metric units chart

    • [DOC File]A Metric Scavenger Hunt

      But for scientific work, the metric system, or International System of Units (SI), is used. The universal language of science, the metric system allows scientists everywhere to share information. In this investigation, you will have to "think metric" as you select objects that will correctly match the descriptions on your "metric scavenger hunt."

      metric conversion calculator

    • [DOC File]Metric Measurement Lab

      Metric Measurement Lab ... You will learn to make measurements using the metric system. These measurements will encompass mastering the metric ruler, gram scale, and the graduated cylinder, and thermometer. You will demonstrate your ability to convert the original measurements to lower and higher values by moving the decimal point the correct ...

      convert metric to american measurements

    • [DOC File]Metric Conversion Notes - Mulvane USD 263

      The metric system is based on tens, just like our decimal system. So…to convert (change between units) in the metric system, you just have to move the decimal point. Example 1: 12.3cm = _____ m. To get from centimeters to meters, I move two places to the left. I do the same with my original centimeters.

      convert metric system calculator

    • [DOC File]Unit Conversion Homework

      It is very useful to know how to convert between units in the metric system. Example problems: 1) Convert 34.5 mm to m. 2) Convert 23.6 mm to km. (HINT: You can avoid careless mistakes by first converting from mm into m, and then converting from m to km.) Convert 345 cm into m . Convert 12.5 cm into mm. Convert 829 cm into km . Convert 42.5 km ...

      how to convert metric units

    • [DOC File]Metric Review worksheet

      21. The basic unit of measurement for Volume in the metric system is the _____ 22. To measure the amount of liquid in a soda can I would use_____ 23. To measure the amount of water in a bucket I would use_____ 24. To measure the amount of water in an eye dropper I would use_____ Convert the following

      metric to us measurement conversion

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