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    • [DOC File]Ordinary and Professional Witness Costs.doc


      Advance payments are only available in cases of urgent need to enable you to travel to court. This may be in the form of cash, cheque, rail travel warrant or rail tickets. In an emergency, contact your nearest police station or telephone the CPS Finance Business Centre for advice.

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    • [DOCX File]Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council


      On the basis of the bank’s risk assessment of its trade finance portfolio, as well as prior examination and audit reports, select a sample of trade finance accounts. From the sample selected, review customer due diligence documentation to determine whether the information is commensurate with the customer’s risk. ... Company: CPS ...

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    • [DOC File]Treasury Shared Service Provider CPS


      Certification Practice Statement (CPS) A statement of the practices that a CA employs in issuing, suspending, revoking, and renewing certificates and providing access to them, in accordance with specific requirements (i.e., requirements specified in this CP, or requirements specified in a contract for services). ... finance, logistics, and ...

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    • [DOCX File]Acronyms and Abbreviations - Defense Logistics Agency


      Author: DLA Transaction Services gci9815 Created Date: 08/30/2016 21:24:00 Title: Acronyms and Abbreviations Subject: DLM 4000.25-4 DAAS Acronyms and Abbreviations

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    • [DOC File]MAN - Zacks Investment Research


      The company retained its FY07 guidance of $1.79-$1.87 but most of the brokerage firms expect CPS to revise the guidance in 2Q07. One firm (Piper Jaffray) states that if the company continues with its pace of buybacks, the company as well as the brokerage firms could …

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    • [DOCX File]Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Business Questionnaire Template


      It is during this phase that the Contingency Plans (CPs) for the supporting infratstructure are developed based on the final BIA. The BIA and the CPs should be verified during the Development and Test phase of the XLC. Parameters such as the MTD, RTO, and RPO should be verified or changed to reflect the final business function capabilities. ...

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