Cubic ft to btu conversion


      CONVERSION OF UNITS To Convert From To Multiply by 1 (MM) 1,000,000 1000000 1(M) 1,000 1000 cubic yards (cu yd) cubic feet (cu ft) 0.1111111 cubic feet (cu ft) cubic yards (cu yd) 9 gallons (gals) barrels (bbls) 0.0238095 acres square feet 43560 square feet acres 2.29568E-05 grains/cubic foot grams/cubic meter 2.28835 grams/cubic meter grains ...

      convert ft3 to btu


      The Btu in one barrel of oil is equivalent to the Btu in approximately 5,600 cubic feet of natural gas. At $4.00 per thousand cubic feet, the natural gas equivalent of one barrel of oil is $22.40 which is much less than a barrel of oil so natural gas is becoming the fuel of choice.

      cubic feet to btu

    • [DOC File]California State University, Northridge

      There is a commonly used energy unit, the British thermal unit or Btu, which is defined in terms of ft•lbf as follows: 1 Btu = 778.169 ft-lbf = 1.055056 kJ. In addition to the usual SI unit of watts for power, the engineering system of units sometimes uses the unit of horsepower (hp). The unit conversion factors for power are: 1 hp = 550 ft ...

      ccf to btu


      cubic yard m3 0.7646. cubic foot m3 0.028 32 ... Btu/s kW 1.054. hp (electric) W 745.7 . Btu/h W 0.2931 ... Btu/h W 0.2931. Velocity, speed . ft/s m/s **0.3048. Temperature. Degrees F (°F) Degrees C (°C) °C=(°F-32)/1.8 . Degrees C (°C) Degrees F (°F) °F = (1.8 x °C)+32 ...

      ccf to btu converter

    • [DOC File]The International System of Units (SI)

      To convert from Multiply by To obtain horsepower 3.3 x 104 ft-lb/min horsepower 5.50 x 102 ft-lb/s horsepower 7.457 x 10-1 kilowatts horsepower-hours 2.547 x 103 Btu horsepower-hours 1.98 x 106 ft-lb horsepower-hours 2.684 x 106 joules inches 2.540 centimeters inches 2.540 x 10-2 meters joules 9.486 x 10-4 Btu joules 7.376 x 10-1 ft-pounds ...

      natural gas cfh to btu

    • [DOC File]Technical Manual, Sec. 10, Ch. 1: Metric System Conversion

      1 ft (survey) = 0.3048006 m . When using a conversion factor, round resulting calculations to the number of significant digits of the original inch-pound measurement or to fewer significant decimal positions. Precision is not increased by converting from inch-pound to metric by a multiple-digit conversion factor.

      convert scf to btu

    • [DOCX File]An Energy Primer for the AP Environmental Science Student ...

      Gas companies in the U.S. often measure sales in terms of "thermal units" or therms. One therm is defined as 100,000 Btu, and natural gas at normal temperature and pressure has a heat value of 1,030 Btu/ft3. Thus, one therm is very nearly equal to 100 cubic feet of natural gas:

      cubic ft to btu

    • [DOC File]Conversion Factors Used in the Natural Gas Industry

      The following conversion factors have been used in the Comgas Consulting Training Program formulas, spreadsheets and calculations. Note : *Conversion factors shown are approximate and it is suggested that, in case of any conflicts, the latest edition of ANSI Z 210.1, the Standard for Metric Practice, be consulted as the final authority on SI usage and conversion factors.

      convert natural gas to btu

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