Cultural values of latino families

    • [DOC File]San Jose State University

      Culturally competent mental health services should include: matching families with clinicians of same ethnicity, customizing treatment to the families values, beliefs, and customs, having an understanding of the cultural context for identifying goals, and to what constitutes optimal functioning of children in that cultural group

    • [DOC File]Cara Lynn Carlson

      Hennepin County Community Guardians and Grandmothers Project: Program working with African American families with children in out of home placement. Powderhorn Phillips Cultural Wellness Center, Hennepin County Human Services and Public Health Department, Minneapolis, MN. 1998 - 2006 Community Organizer and Developer:

    • [DOC File]Multiculturalism, Diversity, Social Justice and Advocacy ...

      Cultural Interview Format: Interview an individual (Face to face) in your community (teacher, student, professional, parent, friend, colleague, Medical person, neighbor, counselor, etc.) who has a different cultural and/or ethnic background then your own. Interview them and explore their cultural differences.

    • [DOCX File]Hispanic Pregnancy and Birth - Weebly

      Each culture has general cultural beliefs when referring to health and illness, as well as cultural beliefs in regards to pregnancy and birth, both in which will be discussed. When communicating with a Hispanic patient, one thing to be careful of when speaking knows the meanings of words in the context you are speaking (Galanti, 2008).

    • [DOC File]

      Cultural History and Traditions. Experience of Acculturation. Family and Cultural Values. View of the Problem. CULTURAL ASSESSMENT ENGAGING LATINO CHILDREN AND FAMILIES In the spaces below, identify specific strategies that can be used to engage Latino children and families, considering these issues. Cultural Values and Traditions

    • [DOC File]Cultural Competency Plan Template

      Provide deaf or hard-of-hearing clients and caregivers with sign language services through formalized agency contract Client Outreach and Accommodations 2.3 Based on statistics from local and agency data, provide outreach to Latino and Asian populations NCAC involvement through Diversity Committee will work with Latino and Asian organizations ...

    • [DOC File]Please rate (between 1 and 5) how much you agree with each ...

      The 12 items (e.g., “My family teaches me about our family’s ethnic/cultural background” and “Our home is decorated with things that reflect my ethnic/cultural background”) were rated on a 5-point Likert scale, with end points of not at all true (1) and very much (5) and end points of not at all (1) and very often (5).

    • [DOC File]Bias in Classroom Assessment - Appalachian State University

      Teachers must be aware of the cultural values that inform their teaching and realize that these may be at odds with the cultural styles of their students (Diller & Moule, 2005). In thinking about different groups of students within our classrooms, cultural variances play one of the largest roles.

    • Communication Norms; A Comparison of Cultures

      process. Cultural norms are learned in the . family . and in the . community . and are also a function of . ethnicity . and . race. Here are some examples of some cultural differences. 1. In the United States, we stand about 18 inches from the people to whom we are speaking. Latino and Indian cultures stand closer. 2.

    • [DOC File]Multicultural Issues in Counseling

      cultural paper. on your own culture which deepens your knowledge and understanding of who you are, where you came from, and what kinds of dynamics and values make you who you are. More information will be forthcoming. Successfully complete a . project and presentation. relevant to researching an unfamiliar group of people different from one’s ...

    • [DOC File]The New York Times

      The gap between Hispanic boys and girls and other students in educational attainment can be attributed to a range of factors, including high rates of poverty and language barriers. But girls in particular face special social and cultural pressures that prompt many to leave school without a diploma.

    • [DOC File]Cultural Competency

      Hispanic or Latino. Asian American/Pacific Islander. Native Hawaiian. American Indian or Alaska Native. ... utilize assistance from members’ families and friends. Don’t know. None of the above Language and Interpreter Services Module ... and/or medical approaches which might be forbidden by cultural and/or religious standards or values.3 ...

    • [DOC File]Analysis of Gender Roles in the Latino Community

      Family is Molded into Form:. Analysis of Gender Roles. Jered Pigeon. Minnesota State University Moorhead. Introduction “Machismo may appear to be a ubiquitous phenomenon among Mexican-American males but that is too simplistic to be useful and in reality far from being accurate” (Villereal, 2005).

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