Current controversial news topics

    • Teaching Controversial Issues: Deepening Engagement and

      Introduction to the session entitled Teaching Controversial Issues: Deepening Engagement and Critical Thinking. At the heart of any university is a mandate to ensure a safe and respectful campus while allowing students and faculty to explore, debate and research a wide variety of subjects, including controversial topics. Productive discussions ...

      recent controversial news articles

    • [PDF File]Current Controversies - Cengage

      political debate to environmental topics, Current Controversies delivers balanced insight suitable for readers from high school to college and beyond. COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE This anthology series covers today’s most current national and international issues and contains the most important opinions of the past and present.

      debatable news today

    • [PDF File]Controversial and Hot Topics

      San Diego State University Library - Hot Topics Supersites Santa Ana College Library - Controversial Issues The Why Files: The Science Behind the News- Background information on current topics in the news. University of Louisville Library - Hot Topics- An extensive list To suggest additions or corrections to this page, send an email to:

      controversial topics today

    • [PDF File]Teaching Elementary Children about Controversial Issues

      Teaching Elementary Children about Controversial Issues From international terrorism to toxic waste, from AIDS to war—elementary-aged children are aware of these and many other societal conflicts, but often they are also aware of the unwritten rules against talking about or asking questions about such controversial issues. Teachers also

      controversial news topics this week

    • [PDF File]DEBATABLE ISSUES - The New York Times

      DEBATABLE ISSUES Directions: Use the chart below to keep track of arguments about a controversial issue covered in The New York Times. First, write a statement of purpose or policy summing up the issue (“School uniforms should be required

      current controversial news stories

    • [PDF File]Guide to Sources for Current or Controversial Topics

      Covers a variety of hot topics in politics, government, business, education, and popular culture. Includes timelines, primary sources, and statistical data. Great source for debates or for pro/con assignments. Evergreen Valley College Library . Guide to Sources for Current or Controversial Topics

      latest controversial news

    • [PDF File]Controversy and Sentiment in Online News

      tional and biased language when presenting controversial issues in the news. We begin by building a list of controversial and non-controversial terms in current news in the U.S. using crowdsourc-ing techniques. Then, we perform a large-scale analysis of millions of news articles from 15 U.S.-based news …

      top controversial issues in america today

    • [PDF File]Controversial Issues - Danville Community College

      A list of research topics is also available on the Issues & Controversies database on ... Taking Sides presents current controversial issues in a debate style format. Each issue is framed with an issue summary, an introduction to the issue, and a postscript that ties the readings together and provides an annotated listing of World Wide Web sites and suggestions for further reading. Websites ...

      current controversial news articles

    • [PDF File]Controversial Issues - San Jose City College

      This database specializes in current controversial issues. It gives overviews of topics, as well as statistics, tables and graphs, history, pro/con arguments, and more. You can browse lists of topics based on currency and subject categories. If you already have a topic in mind, use the Search box at the top of the page. Researching

      recent controversial news articles

    • Teaching Controversial Issues

      discussion and when doing so they are expected to explore these issues in relation to current government policies. It is important to note that teaching controversial issues goes beyond the scope of topics such as terrorism and extremism but the approaches to handling difficult conversations in this guide will be useful in covering these areas.

      debatable news today

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