Democratic socialist party germany

    • [DOC File]Germany's First Democratic Constitution

      The elections to the National Assembly: While Germany seemed on the verge of a second, more radical revolution, the non-socialist groups realigned and prepared for the elections. The former Progressives, the left-wing liberals of the Wilhelmine Empire, formed a new party, called the German Democratic Party …

      social democratic party of germany

    • Party of Democratic Socialism (Germany) - Wikipedia

      The Socialist Unity Party, which had been renamed the Party of Democratic Socialism, won only about 17 percent of the seats in the legislature. East-West relations. Throughout the 1950's and 1960's, relations between East Germany and West Germany were strained.

      social democrats germany 1930

    • [DOC File]Weimar Germany (1918 - 1933)

      Formal denazification procedures were abandoned in the SBZ in March 1948. In May 1948 the National Democratic Party of Germany, the party of the so-called "little Nazis," was formed. In this connection denazification was declared completed, and there was to be no more talk of Nazis in government, industry, and the police.

      german socialist democratic party 1932

    • [DOC File]The division of Germany

      christian democratic union of germany


      Friedrich Ebert, leader of the Social Democratic Party, declares Germany a republic. On 5 January 1919 The Spartacist Uprising erupts and is defeated by the army. On 19 January 1919 Ebert is elected President of the German Republic. The new democratic government meets in the town of Weimar because Berlin is too dangerous.

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