Department of examination in sinhala

    • [DOC File]Switching on ‘Trilingual Competence’ without learning ...

      The proposed “trilingual” vision for Sri Lanka, hopes to make every citizen acquire at least a good working knowledge of English, Sinhala and Tamil. This is the opposite of the “Indian model” where, e.g., in Tamil Nadu, Tamil is the only language ‘recognized’ by the state, even with substantial non-Tamil minorities.

    • [DOC File]Lanka Education and Research Network

      Proficiency on Languages : Highest Examination passed in, Sinhala - Tamil - English - 13. (a) Present Occupation : 1. Post : 2. Date of appointment to such post : 3. Whether confirmed in the present post : 4. Place of work : 5. Salary scale of the post : 6. Present salary : (a) Salary Step - (b) Allowances -

    • [DOC File]Lanka Education and Research Network

      Department :- ... 10.Proficiency in Languages: Highest Examination passed in. Sinhala: Tamil : English : _____ (a) Present occupation & salary drawn (give details and period) (b) Previous Employments, if any, with dates and periods, (In the case of Medical/ Dental/ Vet. Sci., please indicate the date of commencement of formal practice as a ...

    • [DOC File]CHAPTER 1

      CHAPTER 1 _____ Objectives of Study. The study aims to: List existing higher education programs on water resources (civil and agricultural engineering colleges/universities, but also social science programs on water resources, basically any program that may exist), and get a description of the curriculum.

    • [DOCX File]

      (a) I respectfully declare that the particulars furnished by me in this application are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I agree to bear the loss which may occur due to incomplete and /or incorrect completion of any part of this application.

    • [DOC File]Sri Lankan Chronicle Data - Recording, Translating and ...

      Prologue Composition of the Early Sri Lankan Community The New Religion and Its Cultural Impact The Healthy Growth of the Sinhala Nation. Target of Envy and Attack Menacing Hostile Neighbours in Action Variegated Records of Bitter History The Rise of a Defender of the Faith Chroniclers Bungle Criminal Errors in the Hands of Translators Historical Incidents Misjudged and Misreported A Non ...

    • [DOCX File]University of Ruhuna

      University Education: For non-medical grades applicants.(Please attach copies of all certificates).

    • [DOCX File]

      Highest examination passed in Sinhala and English. Sinhala: English: 12.Period of experience gained as at the closing date of applications relevant to the post applied: ... If the above candidate is selected, he/she can/cannot be released from this Department/ Corporation/Statutory Board.

    • [DOC File]BACKGROUND LAW - Home | ELAW

      Part IVC of the NEA requires the submission of an initial environmental examination report (IEER) or an EIA report in respect of prescribed projects. ... The said notice must be in the languages of Sinhala, Tamil and English. ... Project Proponent means and Government Department, Corporation, Statutory Board, Local Authority, Company, Firm, or ...


      Higher Examination passed in Tamil/ Sinhala 14.Present Occupation. i. Designation: ii. Date of Appointment: ... Department/Institution Post Salary Scale Date From To c. If you are retired from Government Service, give date of retirement, the last salary drawn and the pension. d. If your services in a Government Department or a Corporation were ...

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