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    • [DOC File]District

      Desktop Backgrounds and Screensavers 9. Technology Discipline 10. Behaviors and Discipline Related to Student Computer Use 10. Examples of Unacceptable Use 11. Device Security 13. Damaged Equipment 13. Lost or Stolen Equipment 14. Lost or Stolen Equipment 14. Replacement Costs 15. Payment Timeline 15. Tracy Area Public Schools Laptop Protection ...

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    • [DOCX File]Manual - MasonicSoftware

      Windows 2000 or XP (Home or Professional), Vista, 7 and 8. ... Create a folder on your computer (Desktop, etc) In version 5, create a backup of the database and save the backup to the folder you created in step 2 above. ... After I save the FY from 10/1/2012 to 9/30/2013, the database reports: As you can see the old FY is now being reported as ...

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      10 years 10 years 6 A-4a Report of Res. Enrollment Statistics 10 years 10 years 7 A-4b Report of Pupils Receiving Bedside/Home Instruction 10 years 10 years 8 A-4c Report of Tuition Pupils sent to App. Special Classes for Atypical Pupils 10 years. 10 years 9 A-4d Application for State Aid-Transportation 10 years 10 years 10 A-4e

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    • [DOC File]The Windows XP Desktop

      From your Desktop, Click the Start button in the bottom left hand corner of your screen. Click the green "All Programs" button. From the Sub menu that pops up, click on Accessories. The following sub menu appears. Click on Windows Explorer at the bottom: The Windows Explorer is a great tool for finding your way around your hard drive.

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    • [DOC File] Home | Veterans Affairs

      Insure that the Windows screensaver is active and that it is password-protected. It is recommended to use one of the screensavers supplied with the original Windows installation. Preferably the “Default Screen Saver.” COTS ASI-MV Version 4.0VA First Time PC Installation: IRM:

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    • [DOCX File]Barren County High School

      Daily assignments and quizzes will count 10-100 points each. ... This includes printer settings, screensavers, desktop wallpaper, and desktop icons. After using the machines, always make sure the machines are properly logged off. No GAMES! No GAMES! ... Windows User Company:

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    • [DOC File]'Rotary Desktop Wallpaper'

      Title 'Rotary Desktop Wallpaper' Author: ML User Last modified by: ML User Created Date: 10/19/2006 2:49:00 PM Company: Merrill Lynch Other titles

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    • [DOC File]Cheap Tricks - PCIN

      First find out which screensaver your computer is using. Most of the default screensavers for Windows can be found in the C:\Windows\System folder. Screensavers usually have the .scr extension. For example, if you know you're using the 3D text screensaver, its filename should …

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      10. The _____ command is normally used to launch the X Window System if you are not using a graphical login: a. xinit. b. startx. c. xdm. d. xinitrc. 11. To minimize an active window in a GNOME desktop using default settings, you could either. a. Press …

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    • Purpose - Avaya

      R17 and R18 versions of the desktop PC client software are compatible with CMS R17. It is recommended to use the latest R18 PC client software. The latest release is R18 MA_48. Copies of CMS Supervisor PC Client, Terminal Emulator and Network Reporting are available for download at

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