Diagnostic tests for venous insufficiency

    • [DOC File]Evaluation and Management of the Medically …


      D. Diagnostic and Clinical Tests: 1. Include results of all diagnostic and clinical tests conducted in the examination report. 2. Review all test results before providing the summary and diagnosis. 3. Follow additional worksheets, as appropriate. E. Diagnosis: Provide a summary list of all disabilities diagnosed.

    • Venous Insufficiency Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment and Preventi…

      Some diagnostic tests for patients with venous ulcers are: ABI checks for arterial insufficiency, present in 25% of patients with venous disease. If arterial insufficiency is found, it contradicts compression therapy as a treatment for venous disease. Contrast venogram rules out deep vein thrombosis (DVT).

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      Varicose Veins, Venous Insufficiency. A varicosity is an enlarged tortuous vein. Those occurring in the legs are of little underwriting significance. Varices on the abdominal wall or in the esophagus or stomach are indicative of cirrhosis of the liver, portal hypertension or obstruction of the vena cava.

    • [DOC File]M29-1, Part 5, V


      Weekly blood tests may or may not be ordered. Chronic venous insufficiency. Goals for nursing: good skin care. compression: graduated, knee high, moderate to high compression. elevation. walk!!!! pain management. CVI. Varicose veins. Dilated tortuous superficial veins due to incompetent valves that occur mostly in the legs (deep veins are intact)

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      The safe delivery of dental services to patients with compromising medical conditions can be problematic. As pharmaceuticals and medical therapies improve, more patients with complex medical problems remain healthy enough to seek dental care, yet may require special treatment regimens to make sure dental procedures and recommendations don’t adversely affect their medical condition.

    • [DOC File]C&P Service Clinician's Guide - Veterans Affairs


      Diagnostic tests. Laboratory studies. Cardiac enzymes. Lipid profile. Drug levels. Electrolytes. Coagulation studies. Prothrombin (PT) International normalized ratio (INR) ... Venous stasis ulcer. Venous insufficiency. Sickle cell disease. Anemias. Iron Deficiency. Vitamin B-12 (pernicious) Aplastic.

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