Diarrhea that smells bad



      Vaginal discharge that is thick and white, brown or discolored, or smells bad. Diarrhea that is streaked with blood or mucus. Other Signs of Illness. High fever or chills. Severe headache. Pain, heaviness, or stuffiness around the nose, eyes, or forehead. Nasal fluid that is discolored, bad …

      poop smells really bad

    • [DOCX File](Letter to parents regarding classmate and illness alert)


      Pain, swelling, redness and warmth where the injury occurred which gets bad very quickly. Liquid coming from the wound that is making the bandage very wet, is thick, turns green or dark yellow, and/or smells bad…

      pictures of abnormal bowel movements

    • [DOC File]Behavioral Controlling Medications


      if you show signs of infection, such as a fever, drainage from a sore, a sore that smells bad, or increased redness, warmth or swelling around a sore. Causes. Bedsores are caused by pressure against the …

      watery diarrhea with foul odor

    • [DOCX File]Purdue University - Indiana's Land Grant University


      randomized study of the 25 villages reported no change at all in levels of stunting or amount of diarrhea for children under the age of five due to toilet intervention over a five year period, and almost 40 % of …

      pictures of unhealthy bowel movements

    • [DOC File]Short proposal - Community-Led Total Sanitation


      Bad smells were found all over the village. Some people with very good house have very poor quality open latrine with bad smell. Triggering and ignition: ... We were suffering for long time with bad smell of faeces all around and diarrhea …

      foul smelling bowel movement

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