Dictionary synonyms and antonyms thesaurus

    • [DOCX File]www.lcps.org


      Use a thesaurus to locate antonyms and synonyms. Rewrite a paragraph using a thesaurus to replace various underlined words. ... Dictionary and Thesaurus Terminology. Activities. Basic terminology matching. Two activities for the dictionary. Dictionary terms fill-in-the blank.

      synonym antonyms thesaurus

    • [DOC File]College of Health and Human Sciences


      Franklin Dictionary . This speaking dictionary and thesaurus is made my Merriam-Webster and contains 120,000 words, synonyms, and antonyms. People with a learning disability can use this devise to improve spelling and vocabulary. To Use. Using the Dictionary Menu. Turn the unit on. Type in word and enter. The definition will appear.

      antonyms and synonyms dictionary english

    • [DOCX File]Thesaurus Skills DLA - Mt. San Antonio College


      A thesaurus, like a dictionary, uses alphabetical order to list words. Although most thesauruses provide a brief definition of each word, they are different from dictionaries in that they are focused on synonyms (words that have the same meaning) and antonyms (words that have the opposite meaning).

      free dictionary synonyms and antonyms

    • [DOCX File]test site


      Say a word and in a set amount of time groups have to write down as many synonyms or antonyms as they can for that word. Discuss answers and award points for correct answers. Show children a thesaurus entry on the whiteboard – look at how information is displayed (alphabetical order, part of speech, main synonym first, etc).

      free synonyms antonyms online dictionary

    • [DOC File]Reading - Loudoun County Public Schools


      4.3 Fiction/Nonfiction. Words with multiple meanings. Word origins: synonyms, antonyms, homonyms. Context. Glossary. Dictionary. Thesaurus. 4.4 Fiction Comprehension

      antonyms and synonyms word dictionary

    • [DOC File]Dysart


      synonyms. antonyms Dictionary word meanings. pronunciation. sample sentence Encyclopedia. general information about many topics. usually alphabetical. a good place to start research Telephone Directory phone numbers. addresses. Business – yellow pages Newspaper. up to date information. world, national, and local news Atlas book of maps. Magazine

      synonyms dictionary online

    • [DOC File]Thesaurus


      synonyms. antonyms. guide words. entry words * (relate guide words and entry words back to the dictionary; explain how they are similar) * Orally quiz students on the different parts of a thesaurus. Be sure they understand the diverse components of a thesaurus. Next, have students look up these words in their thesaurus.

      synonyms and antonyms printable quiz



      SYNONYMS ANTONYMS RELATED (but not synonyms) BROADER TERMS NARROWER TERMS VARIANT FORMS (e.g., teach, teaching, teacher, teachers) Concept d: Now that you’ve brainstormed synonyms, antonyms, broader and narrower terms, and variant word forms based on your research idea’s key component concepts; take some time to think about possible

      word definitions synonyms and antonyms

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