Did job ask god why

    • [DOC File]In the book of Job, the title character complains bitterly ...


      In the book of Job, the title character complains bitterly about the world: “Why do the wicked live, reach old age, and grow mighty in power?” (Job 21:7); “[f]rom out of the city the dying groan … yet God pays no attention to their prayer” (Job 24:12). The world has changed little since Job’s time; injustice and …

    • [DOCX File]storage.googleapis.com


      Job had repeatedly asked God why He was attacking him, and why He didn't give him a fair trial. Job's “three friends” had good intentions and came to comfort him, but ended up criticizing him! Each of them used the same argument: God blesses the righteous and afflicts the wicked; God afflicted Job; therefore, Job must be wicked.



      You may ask, “Why didn’t God merely create a world where tragedy and suffering didn’t exist?” The answer is: He did! In Genesis 1:31 it says: “ God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.” But if God did not create evil and suffering, where did they come from? Well, God has existed from eternity past as the Father, Son and ...



      What do you think God is trying to show Job here? Did you know that in the four Gospels, Jesus asks 307 different questions? In fact, throughout the pages of the Bible, God asks us more than 500 questions! But if God is omniscient (or, all-knowing), why ask? What’s the point? Have you ever had a good teacher ask you a really probing question?

    • [DOC File]God Given Tasks - Leading Lights Network


      God Given Tasks. When Working for the Lord - START WELL. How can I make a good start at a God-given job? Analyze the Job (Neh. 2:12, 15-16) Why do you think Nehemiah said nothing to those who would be doing the work until he had inspected the walls himself?

    • [DOCX File]We Will Get through This: “The Why of Suffering” Job 1: 8-22


      Did they help or not help? Job 1 tells us three things about God’s relationship to evil and its cohorts (Disease, disasters, death, disappointment): God did not author it. He did not cause pain and suffering. It was an intrusion into his perfect creation. God is in control still restraining evil and its cohorts.

    • [DOC File]Unit 2: Collection 5


      2. No one will ask Mr. Hooper why he is wearing the veil because— A) no one cares why he is wearing the veil. B) everyone already knows the reason. C) they are afraid that if they ask, he will make them wear veils, too. D) they are afraid of what his answer might be. 3. Wearing the veil changes Mr. Hooper’s sermon in that it makes the sermon—

    • [DOC File]How Ancient Was Job


      Reading various commentaries in regard to the Book of Job, we read how both Job and the Book of Job were the oldest in the Bible. Older than the 5 Books of Moses, we ask? Possibly, since it seems God communicates with these men audibly. But then, God did that even after the Law was written. UZ. Job 1:1 There was a man in the . land of Uz,

    • [DOC File]God And Prayer - Why Even Bother


      God didn’t inform Job why He didn’t answer his prayer. Lessons learned from Job are consistent when we read about Jesus and Paul praying to God. I will suggest a particular model for petitionary prayers that emerges in Scripture, but by no means does this model precisely fit every example of prayer in the Bible.

    • [DOC File]CHAPTER 7


      In the last chapters of the book of Job, God Himself talked to Job! God gave Job an amazing test or examination! He asked Job question after question! Look at Job chapters 38-41. About how many questions did God ask Job? _____ Job did not have many answers to …

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