Did not work synonym

    • [PDF File]A Framework for Robust Discovery of Entity Synonyms


      not belong to the same concept class; one is a tutorial whereas the other is a software product. To be a synonym, the entities must not only be highly related but also belong to the same concept class; the above techniques do not attempt to enforce the latter constraint. This leads to drop in precision.

      another word for doesn't work

    • [PDF File]Synonyms & Antonyms


      (v.) to express great sadness about something, Lament, Bemoan, Regret, Grumble about, Grieve, Deplore Synonym: Bemoan, Mourn [GAIL] Antonym: Joyous, Exalt Use: His sins were not grievous, and he did not bewail them. Bewilder (v.) to confuse or puzzle somebody completely

      synonym for not working

    • Add Interest With Synonyms | Synonym Worksheets

      The work was hard3 during math because they had just started learning a new skill. The teacher was happy4 with their progress. It was a nice5 day, so they were able to play soccer outside for P.E. The class was happy6 when the teacher said they would have a party that afternoon. Jennifer was excited about the party, but Lara did

      another word for not working

    • [PDF File]The responsivity principle and offender rehabilitation ...


      recidivism in the mid-1970s. Many had come to believe that offender treatment simply did not "work." As a result, prorehabilitationists actively researched "what works" with offenders and, through this process, we developed a clearer theoretical understanding of effective treatment.

      other word for not working

    • [PDF File]Generating More-Positive and More-Negative Text


      empty or not, but this did not work well. So we completed the near-synonym sense disam-biguation in a semi-automatic manner, by hand-correcting the wrong decisions. In later work, we hope to improve the sense disambiguation module by using semantic relatedness instead of a sim-ple intersection. Disambiguation of near-synonym senses is also used ...

      another phrase for did not

    • [PDF File]Synonym Lesson Day 1


      Synonym Lesson – Day 1 I. Anticipatory Set: 1. Write the word “nice” on the board. Ask class what that word means. 2. Ask the class if they know of any other words that can mean the same thing as nice. Write some of those words down on the chalkboard. II. Objective: 1. Explain that those words are synonyms. A synonym is a word that has ...

      synonym for does not work

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