Difference between has been and have been



      From that time on, the goal for most people with diabetes has been less than 7%. What is the difference between A1C and the blood glucose measure obtained through daily self-monitoring? A1C results, which tend to be measured at least 2 times a year as part of a visit with the doctor, measure average blood glucose control over the past 2 to 3 months. Results from the A1C test are reported in ...

      has or have been

    • Have Been vs Has Been | Difference Between

      A participant, who has been motivated and engrossed in a role (e.g., Haney et al., 1973) over a brief, yet more extended time period than usually employed in analogue research, receiving a structured interpretation from a therapist with whom (s)he has previously interacted within a therapeutic context, will interact and react much like some/many clients under similar circumstances.

      has been vs had been



      A project has been underway since 2008 and currently instructions have been submitted to the Attorney General’s Department for legal drafting. Much consideration was given to the relative merits of an SMS over a QMS and vice versa during development of Part 175. Australia’s safety philosophy is based on risk management and therefore an SMS is the basis of the safety framework for both the ...

      was vs has been

    • [DOC File]Q&A Document


      John Gregory Mantle wrote, “There is a great difference between realizing, ‘On that Cross He was crucified for me,’ and ‘On that Cross I am crucified with Him.’ The one aspect brings us deliverance from sin’s condemnation, the other from sin’s power." Ya see being crucified with Christ, or handing over ourself doesn't mean we just die or give up everything. It's empowering ...

      has been and had been difference

    • [DOC File]What is the difference between a Project and an Essay


      *The main difference between policy and law is who has the authority to create it and how it can be enforced.* What are public policies?: they can be regulatory, distributive, or redistributive. Material or symbolic. Substantive (what gov intends to do) or procedural (how something will be done and who will do it). They can provide collective goods or private goods and can be liberal or ...

      has been tense



      In the positive sentence form of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense, helping verbs have been / has been + VING are used after the subject. • I have been watching TV since seven o’clock. • They have been playing football since morning. • Jim has been eating lunch for two hours. • I have been living in this city for 20 years. • My father has been teaching for 30 years. • It has ...

      have been or has been grammar rule

    • [DOC File]Understanding the t-test: why is t2 = F


      But there will also be structure within the main body of the dissertation. In most cases, it helps to distinguish between the ‘research review’ and ‘discussion’ sections of the dissertation. In the research review, the focus is on exploring what has been said about the …

      hours have been or has been



      Flag visits that have been evaluated. This new feature clearly indicates which visits have been evaluated in the Past Visits section in Track Visits, to allow for easy and efficient review. Deleted / Cancelled Visit warning. This new warning has been added to ensure users know when the visit form they are viewing is a deleted or cancelled visit.

      has been and have been usage

    • [DOC File]I have been crucified with Christ - Break Free Youth ...


      Explain the difference between Civil Liberties and Civil Rights. To whom are civil rights and liberties guaranteed and when are they denied? Many of the Bill of Rights have been applied to the States; explain how this is done and which ones have been nationalized. Explain Incorporation and describe the difference between the two of incorporation. Which view has been used? Which Amendments have ...

      has or have been

    • [DOC File]Test Review Unit 6: Civil Liberties/Civil Rights


      Starting with the simplest case, suppose we are dealing with the situation where a single sample t-test is applicable, where a sample {xi} of size N is being tested against the null hypothesis that it has been drawn from a population with known mean μ but unknown standard deviation σ. Suppose that m is the sample mean, so that . m = Σ {xi}/N.

      has been vs had been

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