Different types of restorative justice

    • [PDF File]Restorative Justice in U.S. Schools


      Basics of Restorative Justice in Vermont A Different Conception of Justice Restorative justice is a conception of justice that focuses first and foremost on the harm done by a crime or an offense. It is different from the legal system’s traditional justice in so far as traditional criminal justice conceives of crime primarily as a violation ...

      types of restorative circles



      Communities for Restorative Justice (C4RJ) is a community-police partnership that offers restorative justice to those affected by crime. In addition, C4RJ ... it is typically used in two different types of situations. • Practices related to community building …

      forms of restorative justice

    • 5 Examples of Restorative Justice | Global Peace Careers

      Restorative justice (RJ) is a broad term that encompasses a growing social movement to institutionalize non-punitive, relationship-centered approaches for avoiding and addressing harm, responding to ... Given the ambiguity in this and other definition s, it is not surprising that many different types of

      restorative justice example

    • [PDF File]What is Restorative Justice -- revised2


      Restorative justice is a way of responding to criminal behavior by balancing the needs of the community, the victims and the offenders. It is an evolving concept that has given rise to different interpretations in different countries, one around which there is not always a perfect consensus (United Nations, 2006). Theo. Gavrielides, a London ...

      examples of restorative justice programs



      Restorative justice is a theory of justice that emphasizes repairing the harm caused or revealed by criminal behaviour. It is best accomplished through cooperative processes that include all stakeholders. Restorative justice is different from contemporary criminal justice in several ways. First, it views criminal acts

      how is restorative justice used

    • [PDF File]An Overview of Restorative Justice An Overview of ...


      2 Restorative justice provides a very different framework for understanding and responding to crime. Crime is understood as harm to individuals and communities, rather than simply a …

      what are restorative justice programs

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