Differentials for cough

    • Cough - Wikipedia

      Cough & Fever: Differentiating Pneumonia. Lisa J. King. Otterbein College Chief Complaint: “Cough and chills X 3 days” HOPI: M.M. is a 77 year old female that presented to the office with complaints of a productive cough and chills X 3 days. She is coughing up rust colored sputum and states she becomes short of breath with minimal exertion.

      productive cough differential diagnosis

    • [DOC File]The Focused Physical Exam and Physical Maneuvers


      68M with respiratory distress. Known chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on home O2, 3 days of worsening cough, sputum and dyspnea. Becomes increasingly distressed and agitated requiring intubation. Learners may consider non-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIPPV) and delayed sequence intubation (DSI), but will require intubation.

      differential diagnosis for cough adult

    • [DOC File]Gelsemium, Yellow Jessamine, is a beautiful evergreen ...


      Differentials (may co-exist): Airflow limitation: asthma, bronchiectasis, consider a1-antitrypsin deficiency in young ... and who present with: exertional breathlessness, chronic cough, regular sputum production, frequent winter ‘bronchitis,’ or wheeze. Current smoking history – …

      chronic cough differential

    • [DOC File]- Call for Abstracts


      PCV was 9. Make sure you can come up with differentials and then be able to treat. I was only allowed to spend $30 to find out what was wrong with the cow. Then had to know if she could be slaughtered and if she was a public health risk. Goat case: had a goat that was lame in the right front leg for a month. Had a cough.

      dry cough differential

    • [DOC File]Running head: PNEUMONIA CASE STUDY


      Your physical exam must include components to help you rule in or rule out these differentials. Basic Guidelines. Remember- these are only guidelines… other parts of the physical exam may be included/omitted based on patients presenting symptoms ... Ask patient to bear down and cough. Femoral hernia. Place fingers in anterior thigh region in ...

      dry cough differential diagnosis

    • [DOC File]www.prepengo.com


      The most common symptoms in children are occipital headaches and/or cervical pain (27-70%), usually brief and related to Valsalva-type maneuvers (cough, sneezing). Scoliosis is present in 18-50% of cases, usually associated with underlying syringohydromyelia, holocord up to 44%.

      differential diagnosis for acute cough

    • Test Catalog

      Take history, P/E findings, management. wooping cough. Stephanie brings her 3-year-old daughter Sally to your GP clinic with history of persistent cough for the last 2 weeks. Stephanie is concerned because last night Sally could not stop coughing. The cough started with cold, runny nose and mild fever.

      productive cough differential

    • [DOC File]Obstructive sleep apnoea


      counts, and 6-part differentials; as well as preparing and. staining slides. Hematology also provides cell counts on body. fluids; and erythrocyte sedimentation rates and crystal analysis. on joint fluids. Testing for pregnancy and mononucleosis are. also performed in Hematology. Hemostasis/Thrombosis

      differential diagnosis for cough

    • [DOCX File]EM-SERC Sim Template


      Cough: hard cough with a lot of pain … unable to . expectorate, sputum slips back into the pharynx (Sepia, Dros, Kali-carb, Arn) … cannot cough deep enough for. relief … with rawness and burning in larynx and trachea … with involuntary spurting of urine (Nat-mur, Apis, Phos, Puls, Scilla – esp. in elderly) … cough improves to

      productive cough differential diagnosis

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