Difficulty breathing bronchitis



      Difficulty breathing. Wheezing. Feeling of chest tightness. Headache. Fever. Fatigue. Bluish color to lips and skin. Swollen feet. Recurrent or long lasting Bronchitis make you vulnerable to recurrent …

      bronchitis breathing treatment

    • [DOC File]PatientPop


      Asthma Bronchitis Cough Difficulty Breathing Pneumonia Previous Pulmonary Disease Shortness of Breath TB (tuberculosis) Exposure or Treatment NONE. Gastrointestinal: Acid Reflux Blood in Stool …

      bronchitis breathing sounds

    • [DOC File]Bronchitis - Littrell Radiology


      This leads to difficulty breathing and can progress to the life-threatening disease emphysema. A mild cough, sometimes called smokers' cough, is usually the first visible sign of chronic bronchitis. …

      chronic bronchitis breathing

    • [DOC File]Diseases of the respiratory system may affect the nose and ...


      Bronchitis (brahn KYT us) is an inflammation of the mucus membrane that lines the bronchial tubes. Thick mucus build up, causing coughing, difficulty in breathing, and a heavy feeling in the chest. Bronchitis …

      shortness of breath after bronchitis

    • [DOC File]Athma and copd guideline


      (Includes Reactive Airways Disease, Bronchospasm, Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis) Note: All hypoxic patients should be given enough oxygen therapy to reverse their hypoxia even if they have …

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