District court jefferson county ky

    • [DOC File]09-ORD-215


      This matter having been presented to the Attorney General in an open records appeal, and the Attorney General being sufficiently advised, we find that the Jefferson County District Court Clerk is not bound by the provisions of the Kentucky Open Records Act, and therefore cannot be said to have violated the provisions of the Act in regard to ...

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    • [DOC File]EXEMPT PROPERTY - Kentucky


      The court held the property subject to taxation pointing out that such property must be owned by a collective body of a state or community.23. Leasehold in exempt property taxable: Jefferson Motel constructed a motel on property leased from the Jefferson County Air Board.

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    • [DOC File]Certificate of Need Newsletter, January 2020 - Ky CHFS


      Lexington, KY 40503 Modify CON #114-04-5892(1), approved 7/2018 to establish an adult day health care facility, by a change of location from 610 Cave Mill Road to 102 Bookstore Way, Bowling Green, and through a cost escalation in the amount of $412,200 $412,200.00 12/16/2019 RK ADC, LLC dba Gathering Club Louisville, Jefferson County

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    • [DOC File]09-ORD-015


      In Beckham v. Jefferson County Board of Education, 873 S.W2d 575, 578 (Ky. 1994) the Kentucky Supreme Court recognized that parties affected by disclosure of public records “are entitled to be heard on their exclusion claims.” See also Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government v. Lexington Herald Leader, 941 S.W.2d 469 (Ky. 1997).

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    • [DOC File]Kurt D - Community Farm Alliance


      9108 Danby Court. Louisville, Ky 40291 (502) 239-0844 (h) (502) 499-1900 (o) (502-643-4692 (c) ... Louisville/Jefferson County Environmental Trust Oversight Board – Chair ... Agriculture Advisory Board. Technical Advisor. Blackacre State Nature Preserves . Jefferson County Soil & Water Conservation District Board. Oldham County Soil & Water ...

      jefferson county kentucky government

    • [DOCX File]JJOC Meeting Minutes Updated for May 23, 2018


      The second point, according to Ms. Bingham is that Jefferson County is located in downtown Louisville. We are now moving out to neighborhood places and making ourselves available within the communities. The relationships and partnerships AOC has developed within Jefferson County’s communities, schools and law enforcements are other successes.

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    • Cimpress

      JEFFERSON DISTRICT COURT. NO. CIVIL DIVISION # AFFIDAVIT FOR SPECIAL BAILIFF. PLAINTIFF. VS. ... Agent for the Plaintiff and states that service of process through the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. and/or certified mail has been unsuccessful. Affiant,, further states that it is his/her belief ... KY, STATE AT LARGE. ORDER. I hereby ...

      jefferson county kentucky district clerk



      Nov 08, 2014 · UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 333 Constitution Ave N.W. Washington, District of Columbia 20001 . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CASE # 1:13 cr 00253 NO KNOWN ADDRESS ... Oldham County Office 108 W Jefferson St LaGrange, KY 40031

      jefferson county court kentucky

    • I

      Jefferson County Public Schools. ... This document provides the procedures to be used by school personnel and district administrators in Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) to implement the requirements of 704 KAR 7:160. ... By court order or otherwise been freed from the care, custody, and control of the student’s parents.

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      Mason County, Kentucky, Court and Other Records. includes Mefford family data and heirs of Devalt Cooper. contributed by Mrs. Lula Reed Boss, Maysville, Kentucky 2. Madison County, Kentucky, Court Records, includes some marriages. contributed by Mrs. John Hicks, Jr., Lexington, Kentucky 9. Joseph Hitch of Maryland and Pendleton County, Kentucky

      jefferson county ky probate docket

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