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    • Long Term Performance of Leveraged ETFs - SSRN

      focus on the relation between long term performance of leveraged ETFs and benchmarks. ... Direxion even introduces triple leveraged ETFs and these triple ETFs ... fund designed to return twice the opposite of the Dow Jones U.S. Real Estate Index was down 50% for 2008, while the index was also down, by 43%. ...

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    • [PDF File]The Dynamics of Leveraged and Inverse Exchange-Traded …

      The Dynamics of Leveraged and Inverse Exchange-Traded Funds Minder Cheng and Ananth Madhavan ... Leveraged and inverse Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) have attracted signi cant assets lately. Unlike traditional ETFs, these funds have \leverage" explicitly embedded as part ... 4See, for example, Dow Jones STOXX Index Guide (2009).

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    • [PDF File]Investor Alert on the Dangers of Leveraged and Inverse ETFs

      Investor Alert on the Dangers of Leveraged and Inverse ETFs ... leverage and volatility risks much more transparent. (3) Warn registrants of the need to consider the suitability of these products for clients and to ... Dow Jones Agriculture 3.9 (6.4) (19.3) (35.2) (43.6)

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    • [PDF File]Path-Dependence of Leveraged ETF Returns

      Path-Dependence of Leveraged ETF Returns ... double-leveraged and 12 triple-leveraged) using daily prices since January 2008 or since inception, according to the fund considered. The results indicate excellent agreement between the formula ... (UYG) offers double exposure to the Dow Jones U.S. Financials index. To achieve this, the manager ...

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    • Path-dependence of Leveraged ETF returns

      Path-dependence of Leveraged ETF returns ... the Dow Jones U.S. Financials index. To achieve this, the manager invests two ... empirically the formula on a set of 56 LETFs with double and triple leverage, using all the data since their inception. The empirical study suggests that the

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    • [PDF File]ETF Guide - Direxion

      ETF Guide. With over 100 ETFs and mutual funds, ... +/-200%, and -100% leverage • Utilize bull and bear funds for both sides of the trade • Trade through rapidly changing markets RELATIVE WEIGHT ETFs ... Daily Dow Jones Internet Bear 3X Shares WEBS -300%

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    • [PDF File]Sustainability Turning challenges into

      us a consistent top ranker in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Sustainability: Turning challenges into opportunities We conducted an LCA of DSM’s most popular industrial container types. As a result of this analysis, our supply chain teams were able to establish a baseline and outline a series of projects to reduce the environmental

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    • [PDF File]Fundamental, Sentiment,^& Technical

      Nov 08, 2019 · DOW JONES INDEX vs. BULL/BEAR RATIO OF 3.0 OR MORE* (ratio scale) 3/27 * Red shaded areas indicates Bull/Bear Ratio equal to or greater than 3.0. Source: Wall Street Journal and Investors Intelligence. Figure 9. Bull/Bear Ratio Over 3.0 Page 5 / March 29, 2020 / Stock Market Indicators: Fundamental, Sentiment, & Technical www ...

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    • [PDF File]ETFs and the Pricing Efficiency of Large-Capitalisation Stocks

      comprising the Dow Jones Industrial Average between 2013 and 2017. Implications associated with the rise in ... not to mention to the ill-advised triple-leveraged inverse and volatility products gaining notoriety, this research ... do not employ leverage nor invest in derivatives or swaps and which, as of June 2018, had total assets in ...

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    • [PDF File]Leveraged and Inverse ETFs - Advisor Perspectives

      Jul 10, 2017 · Leveraged and Inverse ETFs July 10, 2017 by Larry Swedroe ... No triple-leveraged funds existed over the last 10 years, so I can’t evaluate those explicitly, but the table below gives an indication of the difficulty in employing these ... Dow Jones Oil & Gas Index 0.026 N/A 1.9

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