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    • [DOC File]UMES Senate Meeting


      Students may select 2 courses from the Fine Arts Electives for 6 credits: ARTS 204, ARTS 207, ARTS 313, ARTS 319, ARTS 321, ARTS 330, ARTS 334, or ARTS 411. Motion to approve changes Dr. Chapin. Seconded by Dr. Boger. NEW BUSINESS. 2016-2017 Committees: Dr. Johnson assigned the following to persons to convene the UMES Senate Committee Meetings:

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    • [DOCX File]Virginia Museum of Fine Arts | Richmond, Virginia


      Jan 22, 2019 · Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Minutes of the Executive & Governance Committee Meeting. Tuesday, 22 January 2019, 5:00pm. Founder’s Conference Room . AND Phone Conference (Line publicly posted) There were present: Dr. Monroe E. Harris, Jr., President. David Goode, conference. Kenneth S. Johnson. Absent: Terrell Luck Harrigan. Ivan Jecklin

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    • [DOCX File]Department of Agriculture


      May 05, 2018 · Committee member Kenneth Matsui stated that if diseases were introduced with the requested copepods, it would present a risk to the opae ula in ponds near to Dr. Sarver’s facility, due to the many lava tubes and underground water lenses throughout the NELHA property.

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    • [DOCX File]A Nationally-Ranked College in Texas


      Mary Morgan Moore Department of Music. P.O. Box 10044 Beaumont, Texas Phone: (409) 880-8144

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    • [DOCX File]University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign


      The Lillian Jones Case. A Case Study in Research Ethics. May George, PhD . Davidson College. Narrator: Lillian Jones; Mary Winter. Background. Lillian Jones is a graduate student, studying speech pathology at the university.

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    • [DOCX File]Virginia Museum of Fine Arts


      Sep 25, 2018 · Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. Minutes of the of the Education Committee Meeting ... Theatre Level Conference Room 1. There were present: Jil Womack Harris, Vice Chair. Dr. Betty Crutcher. Kenneth M. Dye. Carolyn Garner. Dr. Monroe E. Harris Jr. ... Jody Green. Tom Gutenberger. Jan Hatchette. Laura Keller. Cynthia Norwood. Tom Papa. Dr. Michael ...

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    • [DOC File]Introduction - FEMA


      Dr. William Isaacs, of the Dialogos Institute at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has described a model that explains our thinking process as we interact with the world. ... Fine-tuning the change process: identifying and correcting problems early, learning from mistakes, and adjusting as needed. Change Process Components (Continued ...

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    • [DOCX File]Texas State University


      2 Faculty per College & 1 Senate plus 1 Library, 2 year terms, non-tenure track faculty

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