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      Mar 03, 2021 · Dr. Horan noted the workforce center’s data was last published in 2014; Ms. Young agreed noting the workforce surveys were routinely posted on the Board’s website but were likely removed due to the need to post information about the pandemic. ... Dr. Stephen DuLong Vote: In Favor: Dr. Michael Scialabba, Dr. Stephen DuLong; Dr. Thomas ...

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    • [DOCX File]Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center


      This Town Hall affirms the commitment of both Lovell FHCC and the Vet Center to communicate transparently with patients, stakeholders and the community. “These town halls are a great forum for patients and the community to directly address leadership about any questions or concerns they may have,” said Dr. Stephen Holt, director of Lovell FHCC.

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    • [DOC File]Wingspread Statement on the Precautionary Principle


      Dr. Andrew Jordan, Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment, Univ. Of East Anglia, United Kingdom. Andrew King, United Steelworkers of America, Canadian Office, Toronto, Canada. Dr. Frederick Kirschenmann, farmer. Stephen Lester, Center for Health, Environment and Justice. Sue Maret, Union Institute

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      1981-1982: At Kabianga Farmers Training Center, Kericho, Kenya. Taught farmers and extension staff modern ways of agriculture, worked as the vice principal, and managed the training center’s farm. Counseling Supervisor Experience. Supervisor at the A to Z Family Services, Pocatello, Idaho 2006

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    • [DOCX File]www.frostburg.edu


      Updated by/date: Dr. Stephen Twing, Political Science, 3/11/21Total Credits: 120. Author: Keith Davidson Created Date: 03/12/2021 09:43:00 Last modified by

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    • [DOC File]Business and Operations Advisory Committee


      Guest Speaker: Dr. Stephen Prior, National Security and Health Policy Center at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies Committee Discussant: Ms. June Gibbs Brown 3:15 PM

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    • [DOC File]TAC Training Contacts - 09/19/2014


      (Diversity Training) 301-451-7966 jonesmiche@ninds.nih.gov I Dr. Rita Ward 301-594-9562 Wardr@mail.nih.gov National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) E Dr. David Banks 301-496-9558 banksdh@mail.nih.gov I Dr. Mary Engler 301-594-0081 mary.engler@mail.nih.gov National Library of Medicine (NLM) E Dr. Valerie Florance 301-496-4621 florancev@mail ...

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    • [DOC File]National Science Foundation


      Dr. Stephen Prior, Research Director at the National Security and Health Policy Center at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies also spoke to the committee about emergency preparedness with specific emphasis on terrorism. His main points included:

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    • [DOCX File]Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center


      After his opening remarks, Lovell Federal Health Care Center (FHCC) Director Dr. Stephen Holt will lead a question and answer session with veterans and members of the public about the services available at the Lovell FHCC Kenosha Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC) and at …

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      Dr. Tom Birkland. Center for Policy Research. University of Albany. State University of New York. Albany, NY Panelists: Dr. Barbera was deployed as the Medical Officer for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Disaster Assistance Response Team to Banda Aceh, Sumatra, February 2–15, 2005. Dr. Joseph Barbera. Co-Director

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