Dumbs tunnels

    • [DOC File]SerenityStreetNews Global Network


      Douglas Henson Donald has said we will need to mass produce a gaseous compound that kills them and flood the subterranean tunnels with it. But with the possibility they can hide via water traps like how your sink works to prevent noxious fumes from the sewer coming up, they also have robots that can detect their clicking noises and kill them.

      dumb tunnel map

    • [DOCX File]moellerlanguage.weebly.com


      Chomsky Seminar #1. Absent: Kairos—Schutter, John Geyer: Chomsky won’t write a literary masterpiece. Short, choppy sentences give her a chance to insert important words.

      government map of underground tunnels

    • [DOC File]The Eye


      Darkness had descended on Manassas, Virginia, the countryside alive with nocturnal undercurrents, as Bourne crept through the woods bordering the estate of …

      deep underground military bases 2020 map

    • [DOC File]Come, Enter the Mikvah – Set-Apart unto Yahuwah


      The DUMBS (deep underground military bases) in areas of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah are major centers of alien activity, while just a few miles from them are native American tribal rulers who are in “kivas” actually raising the fallen ones from the underground and communicating with them. ... Deep underground tunnels have been ...

      underground tunnels across america

    • [DOCX File]Update on the Underground War! Gene DUMBs Decode. …


      the Special Forces leading the vanguard using weapons very few have knowledge of or have ever even dreamed of, is advancing through the immense Illuminati demon forces & vast interconnected Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) complex that is connected with Nationwide Hwys. & tunnels with Magnetic Levitating Trains (MAGLEVS), capable of speed up …

      deep underground military bases children

    • [DOC File]blseims.files.wordpress.com


      After Day One. Book one of the Tale of Tomorrow Sequence. By Benjamin Levi Seims. synopsis. The world is fragmented and looking for a hero. Not every hero comes in shinning armor.

      underground dumbs

    • [DOCX File]Public Intelligence Blog – The truth at any cost lowers ...


      Related is the Illuminati-CIA-military nexus also reputedly possessing a myriad of underground facilities and tunnels beneath a number of key mind control-sex trafficking centers like LA west side’s Getty Museum, Steven Kelly, “Elite Satanists Prepared for Doomsday,” henrymakow.com, February 14, 2016,

      dumb tunnel system

    • [DOCX File]phibetaiota.net


      And regarding his vision of an underground city, he’s not too far off, considering that deep cavernous underground chambers comprising subterranean cities and tunnels have long been part of the Deep State’s black budgeted infrastructure for decades. Deep underground military bases (DUMBs) and cross continental high speed transport systems

      deep underground military bases map

    • [DOC File]Nieuwsbrief


      Inhoudsopgave NIEUWSBRIEF nr. 128 – 12.6.2011. Fukushima: Kernexpert adviseert Tokyo te verlaten als gebouw 4 instort. 3. Verrijkt uranium Iran genoeg voor 4 kernbommen

      dumb tunnel map

    • [DOC File]Nieuwsbrief


      Phil Schneider over ondergrondse tunnels & bases en aliens. 46. Ex-president Duitse Industrie hoopt op 'Fukushima voor de euro' 51. Amerika’s droogte: mislukte oogsten, hoge prijzen, voedselcrises. 53. Overheid kijkt uit naar RFID-chips voor een cashloze samenleving, contant geld verdwijnt rap. 54. Internet: de luis in de pels van de elite ...

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