Easy to understand economic articles

    • [DOC File]Table 1: BioTAP Rubric I, assessment of scientific writing ...


      Students should assume their readers understand basic economic theory, but they cannot assume that readers readily remember all the details. Therefore, students should limit their use of jargon, and should explain or define all key terms and concepts that are specific to their sub-field.

      articles for economics

    • [DOC File]The Accounting Cycle


      The FASB defines assets as “probable future economic benefits obtained or controlled by a particular entity as a result of past transactions or events.” The IASB’s definition is again quite similar: an asset is “a resource controlled by the entity as a result of past events and from which future economic benefits are expected to flow to ...

      articles related to economics

    • [DOC File]Diagnosis in the Assessment Process


      It has become increasingly evident that accurately and appropriately communicating a mental health diagnosis to a client can help the individual understand his or her prognosis and aid in forming reasonable expectations for treatment. These items show why it is important for a wide range of professionals to understand diagnosis.

      easy economic articles

    • [DOC File]What is recovery - FEMA


      Some households’ economic recovery takes place quickly, but others’ takes much longer. For example, the percentage of households reporting complete economic recovery after the Whittier earthquake was 50% at the end of the first year but 21% reported little of no …

      articles for economics

    • [DOC File]Developing a Country Profile - Strategy Leader


      Understanding a country—its peoples, cities, villages, culture and varied characteristics, is not an easy task. Most approach the formulation of a country profile as an outsider looking in; that’s exactly where you may find yourself at this moment. The goal of a country profile, however, is to look at a …

      articles related to economics

    • [DOC File]To understand the economics of contemporary college ...


      To understand this, consider the following example provided by Robert Frank (Cook and Frank, 2004), an economist who has studied winner-take-all markets in considerable detail. Suppose that 1,000 universities are considering whether or not to start an intercollegiate athletics program at a …

      easy economic articles

    • [DOCX File]Understanding Conflict Handling Styles - Dartmouth College


      The downside to compromising is that it can be an easy way out and reduces new creative options. If you constantly split the difference or “straddle the fence,” game playing can result and the outcome could be less than ideal. ... test your own assumptions, and understand the views of others. Collaboration takes time and if the relationship ...

      articles for economics

    • [DOC File]CHAPTER 8


      The current economic system is built on the satisfaction of consumers’ desires, but human desires are basically infinite and the resources of the planet are not. What is needed is a system that preserves the fundamental advantages of free market economies, yet places increased emphasis on the satisfaction of human needs (rather than wants ...

      articles related to economics



      Nice guide with easy to look-up information and trends on the U.S. and individual states. Business Periodicals Index. H.W. Wilson Co. 718-588-8400. Found at better libraries near you. Up to date articles that can give inside looks at recent trends and events in your industry. “Industry Surveys” Standard and Poors. 1996 Survey of Buying Power

      easy economic articles

    • [DOC File]List of Adopted Articles - United Nations


      With regard to economic, social and cultural rights, each State Party undertakes to take measures to the maximum of its available resources and, where needed, within the framework of international ...

      articles for economics

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