Efficiently and effectively synonym



      Internal Control Review - Examination of an entity or operating system to determine whether adequate internal control procedures exist and are effectively implemented to prevent or detect the occurrence of potential risks in a cost-effective manner. Internal Control System - A synonym for Internal Control.

      synonyms for effectively

    • [DOC File]Department Of Veterans Affairs Home | Veterans ...


      The Decentralized Hospital Computer Program (DHCP) Laboratory Literal Vitek Interface LA*5.2*12 Patch Documentation is designed to provide the Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center (DVAMC), Information Resources Management Service (IRM), and the Laboratory Microbiology Staff with the necessary technical information required to ...

      another word for efficient



      By Yetta M. Goodman. As Kenneth Goodman predicted, miscue analysis is a window on the reading process (Goodman, 1973). It helps teachers and researchers construct theories that build and expand on a psycho/sociolinguistic model of reading, discover how people read, understand readers' knowledge about language, and as a result supports students’ reading development.

      words better than effective

    • [DOC File]EM USA Terms and Definitions - FEMA


      Consequently, the two countries developed a joint plan to deal effectively with a potential or actual peacetime radiological event that could affect both countries or be of a magnitude that would require assistance from the neighboring country. The CANUS JRERP is currently being rewritten to incorporate the Department of Homeland Security and ...

      less efficient synonym

    • [DOC File]ESL Lesson: Justin Timberlake opens own golf course


      T g. F h. T SYNONYM MATCH: 1. save a. rescue 2 retreat b. escape 3. efficiently c. effectively 4. pose d. ask 5. green e. environmentally friendly 6. the public f. everyone 7. hosted g. held 8. bring in h. attract 9. besides i. apart from 10. brand j. make PHRASE MATCH: 1. He bought it at a. the end of 2007 2 It was about to go b. up for auction 3.

      time efficient synonym

    • 1.1 Project rational and significance - Find and share ...

      This will help to design the research methodology effectively and efficiently (Saunder, Lewis and Thornhill, 2007). The researcher has chosen a positivism research philosophy.

      more effectively synonym

    • [DOC File]EM USA Terms and Definitions - FEMA


      • Unaffiliated Volunteer Management – the tool helps States manage the volunteer response and connects offers to agencies with needs efficiently and effectively. It enables smaller, often overlooked agencies to take advantage of the supply of volunteers and alleviate the pressure on the larger agencies and governments to provide more ...

      more efficiently synonym

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