Ends principle kant

    • [DOC File]Kant’s Theory of Value


      Kant’s theory provides no short-cuts on this question. III. It is in the spirit of Kant’s critical philosophy to recognize that the central account of good for rational natures will be grounded in a self-consciousness that understands the role of the moral law in the unity of reason. The good for human beings is the object of practical reason.

      universal principles kant

    • [DOCX File]123philosophy.files.wordpress.com


      For these reasons, Kant argued that the Golden Rule is incapable of serving as a reliable moral principle. The reason is that the golden rule depends on a person’s desires. And the morality of hitting people or punishing criminals, or any other act, should not depend on a person’s desires.

      kant principle of morality

    • [DOC File]Kant’s Respect for Persons


      Because people are special -- as free ends-in-themselves -- Kant supports a moral command in addition to the categorical imperative. People should be treated as special, as the source of morality and free action, as ends-in-themselves. This is Kant's principle of respect: Never treat a person merely as a means, but always as an end.

      kant principle of autonomy

    • [DOC File]The Final Form of Kant’s Practical Philosophy


      Kant in fact offers a system of three formulas, the first identifying the principle by the form of universal law, second by the motive of the end in itself, and the third by the complete determination of maxims contained in the idea of autonomy or the rational will as universally legislative for a realm of ends …

      kant's principle of humanity

    • [DOCX File]Kant


      Kant also introduces what he thinks is the idea of the true moral community – The Kingdom of Ends. The Kingdom of Ends is like the Kingdom of Nature in which every element of the natural world is subject to the laws of physics without exception. However in the Kingdom of Ends each person is subject to and benefits by the moral law.

      kant's morals

    • [DOC File]Kant’s argument for the formula of ends


      Here Kant speaks of a subjective principle to which every human being ‘necessarily’ conforms. The idea must be that as a human and so rational being, you are a being that adopts ends, and you cannot adopt any other end at all unless you simultaneously adopt your own existence as a …

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