Examples of high culture vs low culture

    • Communication Norms; A Comparison of Cultures

      Here are some examples of some cultural differences. 1. In the United States, we stand about 18 inches from the people to whom we are speaking. Latino and Indian cultures stand closer. 2. In the United States, we like eye contact, but not staring. Middle Eastern and Israeli cultures give more direct eye contact than we like. 3.

      high and low culture examples

    • [DOC File]Why Are Some Countries More Developed Than Others


      examples. immigration vs. emigration. examples: developed countries with low growth but high immigration. Why do some parts of the world have high population growth rates while other parts of the world have low rates of growth? farming. children as assets: explain how farming influences higher population growth. manufacturing and services

      examples of low culture

    • [DOC File]Chapter 2: International Business Practices


      with respect to workplace values in terms of: a. high vs. low power distance b. high vs. low uncertainty avoidance c. masculinity vs. femininity d. individualism vs. collectivism e. long-term vs. short-term orientation CHAPTER 3 CLASS DISCUSSION QUESTIONS. Think Ahead! Discussion Questions: What happens if a family from another culture moves to ...

      high culture examples

    • [DOC File]POPC 160 - Pennsylvania State University


      types of culture are interrelated, since all of us are familiar with folk, popular, and elite ideas as part of our mental makeup. High vs. Low culture (value judgments) Folk culture…

      high culture vs popular culture

    • [DOC File]Examples of Western Arab Cultural Differences


      High Context Culture vs. Low Context Culture. A Westerner will listen to what another person says to extract meaning from a social encounter. An Arab will read the context (tone of voice, body language, setting) to extract meaning from a social encounter. Example: you are visiting a friend and, noticing it's late, you say that you have to go.

      high and low culture

    • [DOC File]6 Sterilization and Disinfection in the Laboratory


      The wide ranges of effective concentrations and contact times cited are due to a number of factors, including the interdependence of time and concentration, the variability in resistance of different microorganisms, the amount of organic material present and the desired effect (e.g., low-level vs high-level disinfection) Effective ...

      culture examples

    • [DOCX File]Danielson Instructional Framework Evidence - Artifacts ...


      The classroom culture is a cognitively busy place where learning is valued by all, with high expectations for learning being the norm for most students. The teacher …

      co culture vs culture

    • [DOC File]Global Marketing, 6e (Keegan/Green)


      Japan and Saudi Arabia are examples of high-context culture, where a great deal of emphasis is placed on a person's values and position or place in society. In a low-context culture, such as the United States, Switzerland, or Germany, deals are made with much less information about the character, background, and values of the participants.

      low culture vs high culture

    • [DOC File]Deep Culture: The non-tangible aspects of culture such as ...


      Subjective culture includes worldviews, perception of environment, stereotypes, role expectations, and norms, whereas material or concrete culture includes the artifacts. However, it is important to keep in mind that each person is a unique individual who has his/her own unique cultural understandings and beliefs (Rodseth, 1998).

      high and low culture examples



      While the same amount of meaning can be conveyed in a low-socialized or low-contaxt culture as in a high-socialized or high-context culture, the means would be different. Germany and the United States stand at the low end of Hall’s context dimension while Japan and Saudi Arabia are on the other end.

      examples of low culture

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