Examples of kant s moral theory

    • [DOC File]Notes for Looking at Philosophy


      What does Kant’s theory of knowledge have in common with rationalism? With empiricism? Defend or attack Kant’s view that it is always wrong to use people for one’s own purposes. If I have given you any handouts during our discussion of Chapter 5, you are responsible for any material they contain – be prepared.

    • [DOCX File]Kant


      Kant’s Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) rarely left his hometown of Konigsberg (which was bombed out of existence during WWII), yet by the time he died he was internationally famous and considered one of the giants of the Enlightenment. Kant created what has often been called a Copernican Revolution in ...

    • [DOCX File]Faculty of Business and Economics Courses


      For example, for Kant if a merchant is honest so as to earn a good reputation, these acts of being honest are not genuinely moral. The merchant is only truly moral if he or she is honest because being honest is right (one’s duty). Persons of good will do their duty because it is their duty and for no other reason.

    • [DOC File]PHI110 Study Guide


      Explain Kant's distinction between acts that are right, and acts that have moral worth, using examples to illustrate the difference. Do you agree with Kant about the significance of motives and the role of duty in morality? Why/why not? Give reasons to defend your answers. Explain the 'Doctrine of Swine' objection to classical utilitarianism.

    • [DOC File]The Good Will - Stanford University


      For Kant’s moral theory is focused on the conception of a being that is capable of governing itself through principles, and the theory, at least as it is presented in the Groundwork, is preoccupied with the moral agent as a being who adopts subjective principles (maxims) and is capable of doing so in light of objective principles or laws.

    • [DOCX File]Second formulation of the categorical imperative


      It is a major weakness of Kant’s theory that it provides no answer to this dilemma. Thus, in these examples Kant’s theory leads either to a kind of moral stalemate, in which no moral decision can be made, or to a situation in which I may well regard doing my duty as being equivalent to doing wrong, thus going against our natural intuitions.

    • [DOC File]The Final Form of Kant’s Practical Philosophy


      Kant’s ethical theory thus not only permits moral agents to pursue such projects, but it even underwrites that pursuit, claiming that it has moral merit. Of course the complexities of human life are such that sometimes our pursuit of ends which are meritorious in the abstract may involve us in a morally impermissible course.

    • [DOC File]Ethics Reading List


      Rachels, “Are there absolute moral rules?”, in his The elements of moral philosophy. Johnson, Robert, "Kant's Moral Philosophy", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . C. Broad, Five Types of Ethical Theory, ch. 5. T. Hill, ‘Kantian Normative Ethics’, in Copp (ed.), Oxford Handbook

    • [DOC File]Kantian Ethics


      Classic examples of deontological ethical principles include the Ten Commandments of the Bible and the Golden Rule (“Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.”) But the best-known deontological ethical theory is the one put forward by German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804). ... One positive feature of Kant’s moral ...

    • [DOC File]Ethics Reading List


      Rachels, “Are there absolute moral rules?”, in his The elements of moral philosophy. Johnson, Robert, "Kant's Moral Philosophy", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy . C. Broad, Five Types of Ethical Theory, ch. 5. T. Hill, ‘Kantian Normative Ethics’, in Copp (ed.), Oxford Handbook

    • [DOC File]Study Questions for Ethics Midterm


      Do you think that Kant's system represents the highest form of moral thought? Explain the relevance of Kant’s Categorical Imperative for the case study “Blood Money” in which Cutter/Bayer sold HIV-contaminated Factor VIII to Third World hemophiliacs. In general outline, explain Kohlberg’s theory of moral development.

    • [DOC File]A Kantian Critique of Current Assumptions about Self-Knowledge


      Kant’s theory cannot be criticized on exactly these grounds, because transcendental apperception is not a kind of perception, but a kind of action. Still, to lay the ghost of a magical kind of consciousness to rest, I clarify the role of mental act awareness in self-knowledge of beliefs or judgments.

    • [DOC File]Lecture Fifty-One Kant’s Moral Theory


      Lecture Fifty-One Kant’s Moral Theory. Robert Kane, Ph.D. This lecture examines Kant’s views about morality and value as embodied in such works as Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785) and the Critique of Practical Reason (1789), which appeared after his Critique of Pure Reason.

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