Examples of synonyms sentences

    • [PDF File]This Graphic Organizer can be used to assess if completed ...


      I can give examples of synonyms and antonyms. CCSSR4 This Graphic Organizer can be used to assess if completed independently, or as a learning guide. WORD Synonym Antonym Go Farther: • Write sentences with the word, its synonym, and its antonym.

    • [PDF File]Towards a Better Learning of Near-Synonyms: Automatically ...


      ple sentences, which could be too overwhelming and time-consuming [42] for many language learners to induce rules or patterns. Nevertheless, example sentences play a crucial role in appropriate use of near-synonyms. Good examples must demonstrate the di erence between near-synonyms; that is, the example sentence must be good for this word but not



      Cognitive Synonymy: a General Overview 195 Near-synonymy is regularly found in dictionaries of synonyms or thesauri where most of the terms listed under a single dictionary entry are not considered to be cognitive synonyms (e.g. govern - direct, control, determine, require). The scale presented by Cruse is the most general. There also are other ...

    • [PDF File]How to Paraphrase Effectively


      of the same details, but the sentences will be different. By comparing the sentences and paragraphs you will get more ideas about how to paraphrase and see some real examples. Newspaper websites are often a good place to see two different articles without paying for two different newspapers.

    • [PDF File]English Synonyms Sample


      English Synonyms / Incomplete Sentences / Advanced level # 1 Synonyms for walk Q1 Marian was very exhausted at the end of the day so she ..... slowly along the beach on her way back home. (a) paced (b) stalked (c) walked (d) strode Q2 When they were younger, they …

    • [PDF File]Sentences With Synonyms


      SENTENCES WITH SYNONYMS loyal new noisy polite rich avoid safe sad vacant baffle weak collect Directions- Choose a synonym from the box to replace a word in each sentence. Circle the word in the sentence and write the replacement word on the line. 1) The guards made sure the plane was secure.

    • [PDF File]Context Clues: Example Sentences


      Context Clues: Example Sentences 1. Vicissitudes, such as circumstances, developments, or journeys in life, can change a person forever. Using the example clue, the word vicissitudes in this sentence means families life experiences vacations 2. A colossus, such as …

    • [PDF File]Using Synonyms in a Sentence


      Using Synonyms Synonyms are words that have the same or almost the same meaning. Examples: big and large unhappy and sad small and little Read the following sentences. Circle the two words in each sentence that are synonyms. 1. The stars were shiny and the planets were bright. 2. The lost puppy had filthy paws and a dirty coat. 3. The horse leaped into the air and jumped over the barrier. 4 ...



      PART 4: SIMPLE, COMPLEX, COMPOUND, AND COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCES So far, you have encountered only simple sentences (sentences with only one principal clause) and complex sentences (sentences with only one principal clause and one or more subordinate clauses).

    • [PDF File]synonym-antonym ready for pdg - Kanwal Rekhi


      Circle the synonyms in each sentence. 1. As we walked to school, the cool wind blew in our and us very chilly. 2. The popular kids in school are very well liked by many. 3. Several people were playing a soccer game on a distant field that was difficult to see because it was too far away. 4. In history class, we learn that the Civil War was ...

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