Exercise to help dementia patients

    • Dementia - activities and exercise - Better Health Channel

      The Alabama legislature, through its Dementia Education & Training Act (DETA), and the staff of the DETA training program, wish to help you understand dementia-related diseases and connect you with resources in your community that can support you in caring for an Alzheimer’s or other dementia patient.

      physical exercises for dementia patients

    • [DOC File]SENSORY STIMULATION - Dementia Care & Brain Health


      Exercise to practice observation of new skills & use of simulated patients to allow controlled observations: Have staff divide into groups of 3 as below: 1 person as a patient (simulating one of the “GEMS of dementia.” (fileref 7-The Gems of Caregiving.ppt OR Cues by Level-final.doc) 1 person as caregiver. 1 person as observer

      games to help dementia patients



      These medications do not ‘cure’ dementia but in certain cases can help to slow down the rate of progression of the illness. In March 2011 a review and re-appraisal of donepezil, galantamine, rivastigmine and memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease resulted in a change in NICE guidance. Specifically:

      exercise equipment for dementia patients



      Stimulating the senses of the person with dementia has many positive benefits. There are no boundaries to sensory stimulation; it can include a variety of activities, and is limited only when the facilitator limits it. ... such as soap or a sponge, or use play-dough or clay. These can all help strengthen the person’s hands. Hearing. Listening ...

      in home help for dementia patients

    • [DOC File]Improving care for people with dementia while in hospital


      The exercise that we will be participating in is a chance for you as individuals to examine your own personal feelings on dying. This is a personal exercise and I won’t be examining your responses nor will the other participants. This is a quiet exercise that will require you to consider your own feelings and thoughts throughout the exercise.

      tools to help dementia patients

    • [DOC File]Facilitators Guide for Basic Dementia Care Competencies


      The mini-mental scores range from 0 to 30 with normal above 26. Alzheimer patients lose two points per year. Mild dementia patients score 20 to 26, moderate score 10 to 20, and severe score below 10. The mini-mental can help assess medical decision-making competency, as patients with scores below 15 are usually unable to give informed consent.

      drugs that help dementia patients



      The Trust is committed to providing safe, high quality care to people admitted to hospital with dementia. Involving carers, and taking their expert knowledge into account, is recognised as essential to the provision of personalised care to patients with Dementia.

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