F x 7x 3 lnx

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      Calculus Warm-up # 1-A. NO CALCULATORS THIS WEEK! 1) Find the domain of the function. f(x) = _____ 2) ) Find the domain of the function

      f x x 3 3x 7

    • [DOC File]AP Calculus Free-Response Questions


      182. Let f be the function given by f(x) = 3 cos(x). The graph of f crosses the y-axis at point P and the x-axis at . point Q. a. Write an equation for the line passing through points P and Q. b. Write an equation for the line tangent to the graph of f at point Q. Show the analysis that leads. to your equation.

      cos i ln 7

    • [DOCX File]www.northallegheny.org


      Answers to difficult derivatives. a.. 35 (5x+23) 6 b.-20 (3-4x) 4 c.-24x (1-4 x 2 ) 2 d.-3 2(3x+2) 2 e.-3 4(3x+2) 5 f.. 6(5x+6) (5 x 2 +12x+1) 2 g.-5(2x+3) ( x 2 +3x+4) 6 h.. 6 x+6 2 9 x 3 -2 4 (27 x 3 +135 x 2 -1) i.. x 7 x+1 3 x 3 -x+1 6 (33 x 4 +29 x 3 -19 x 2 -3x+8) j.-25 x 2 -42x+32 ( x 2 +3x+10) 4 k.. - x 4 6x - 1 4 (24 x 3 - 209 x 2 - 470x+40) ( x 2 - 5x - 8) 4

      f x x3 7

    • Function

      Function Δy/Δx dy/dx f(x)= 4x+3 4 4 f(x)= 3x^2 6x+.003 6x f(x)= x^3 3x^2+.003x 3x^2 f(x)= x^4 4x^3+.006x^2 4x^3 f(x)= ax^n anx^(n-1) f(x)= e^x (1.005)2.718^x e^x f(x)= lnx 1.11x^-.95 1/x Homework. 1.Find dy/dx by discovery and formula. f(x)= 2x^2-3x+1. f(x)= 2x^4-3x^3+2x^2-5x+1. 2.Find dy/dx by formula only. f(x)= 3x^5-2x^4-7x+10. f(x)= 4x^(1 ...

      g x f x 7 graphed

    • [DOC File]Materia: MATEMÁTICA I


      Analizar la función f(x) = (x – 1)(x – 3)2 Determinar dominio, asíntotas, extremos relativos y absolutos, puntos de inflexión, intervalos de crecimiento y de concavidad. Graficar.

      f x x 7 x 3

    • [DOC File]Name:


      Since logax is the inverse function of ax, it follows that the domain of logax is the range of ax, (0, ). In other words, logax is defined only if x is positive. On the coordinate plane to the right, sketch the graphs of f(x) = 2x and g(x) = log2x. What do you notice? Properties of logarithms:

      f x 7 f x

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