False positive cocaine urine

    • [DOC File]Pocket Labb


      Adulterants, such as soap, bleach and/or other materials in urine may produce false results regardless of the testing method used. A negative result may not necessarily indicate drug-free urine. Negative results can be obtained when drug metabolite is present but below the drug cut-off level stipulated in the intended use section of this document.

      false positive urine tox

    • [DOC File]Dep't of Correction v


      OATH Index No. 1551/05 (May 24, 2005) Charge that correction officer engaged in conduct unbecoming an officer and violated agency directive when he tested positive for cocaine use was sustained where Department demonstrated that respondent was randomly selected for drug test, which was properly administered, and expert proof of positive test result was undisputed.

      urine drug screen false positives

    • [DOC File]Breath .us


      The probation officer counseled defendant concerning cocaine use, warned him that subsequent positive tests could result in revocation of the probation, and offered assistance if defendant had a problem. Defendant declined any assistance. Four days after the first test, another urine sample was collected from defendant and submitted for analysis.

      false positive for cocaine metabolite

    • [DOC File]boards.law.af.mil


      Those medications can cause a false positive for cocaine on a urine test. Had he known this at the time he could have presented matters in his defense. 3. The applicant provides a copy of a letter on his behalf from a Member of Congress, a copy of the 4 December 2003 Board proceedings, a copy of a Department of the Navy examination profile ...

      false positive drug screen cocaine

    • [DOC File]Alcohol and Drug Test and Collective Bargaining


      A survey conducted several years ago by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, a government agency, found that 20 percent of the labs surveyed mistakenly reported the presence of illegal drugs in drug-free urine samples. False positive test results also occur when …

      false positive for methamphetamemes hair follicle

    • [DOC File]1


      The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service Administration (SAMHSA) has set the screening cut-off for positive specimens at 300ng/ml for cocaine. Sensatest One-Step Cocaine Test has been shown to detect 300ng/ml of cocaine in urine at 1 min. Specificity: Cross Reactivity

      urine drug screen fentanyl false positive

    • [DOC File]Medical Review Officer Manual - SAMHSA


      The medical use must have occurred approximately two or three days prior to when the urine specimen was collected. Use at an earlier time may not cause a positive urine test. Topical Anesthetics. Cocaine is structurally unique and does not resemble any of the …

      cocaine metabolite



      A positive urine reveals 150 ng/ml or higher of this metabolite. Levels as high as 100,000 have been found in chronic abusers. Blood: Presence of the benzo metabolite indicates Cocaine use within last 4-6 hours and can last up to 24 hours especially if Cocaethylene was formed by combining Cocaine with Alcohol ingestion. Sweat: Cocaine reaches ...

      false positive for meth

    • [DOC File]Reliability of urine drug screens: When should you consult ...


      If a physician suspects a false positive, the laboratory should be notified and the specimen should be sent for confirmatory testing. In the scenarios above, the laboratory, which performed the UDS using the EMIT II platform, was consulted. Confirmatory testing revealed that both urine drug screens were falsely positive.

      false positive urine tox

    • [DOC File]Effective client abstinence monitoring via drug testing is ...


      Specimen Detection Period Advantages Disadvantages URINE Provides a profile of both current and recent past substance usage - detection time generally calculated in days for most drugs (excluding alcohol). ... (potential false positive results) ... 300 CANNABINOIDS 20 - 50 15 COCAINE METABOLITE 150 or 300 150 OPIATES ** 300 100 - 300 ...

      urine drug screen false positives

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