Federal land for sale acreage

    • [PDF File]Specifications for Descriptions of Land


      Specifications for Descriptions of Land: For Use in Land Orders, Executive Orders, Proclamations, Federal Register ... For sale by the Public Land Survey System Foundation ... and specifications for descriptions of tracts of land appropriate for use in Executive

      government property for sale



      STANDARD LAND PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT (With Contingencies) The parties make this Agreement this day of , . This Agreement supersedes and replaces all obligations made in any prior Contract To Purchase or agreement for sale entered

      $500 per acre land

    • [PDF File]Land Ownership in Alaska


      currently owned or selected state land. Plans are developed for land in selected status in anticipation of its conveyance to the state. Federal Land The federal government is still the largest landowner in Alaska with 60% of the total area (222 million acres). This acreage includes national parks, wildlife refuges, national forests, military ...

      20+ acres for sale cheap

    • Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions

      The Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisitions have been developed, revised, approved, adopted and promulgated on behalf of the Interagency Land Acquisition Conference. The Conference is solely and exclusively responsible for the content of the Standards. The

      abandoned military land for sale



      ownership entitlement under the applicable provisions of Federal reclamation law. Exempt, except where otherwise provided, means not subject to the acreage limitation provisions. Extended recordable contract. means a recordable contract whose term was extended due to moratoriums established in 1976 and 1977 on the sale of excess land.

      abandoned government buildings for free

    • [PDF File]Public Land Ownership by State - Protecting Maine's ...


      federal land ownership. Where possible, with the exception of land owned by the Army Corps of Engineers, acreage figures refer, only to land area and do not include water areas, leases or easements. In several cases, however, federal and state agencies were

      abandoned government property for free

    • [PDF File]FAQs about Federal Land Sales


      Lands identified as excess to the Federal Government's needs or more suited to private ownership are sometimes offered for sale. The Federal Government has two major property categories which it makes available for sale: real property and public land. Real Property is primarily developed land with buildings, usually acquired by the Federal ...

      land under 100 per acre

    • [PDF File]Federal Leases - DALTA


      Federal oil and gas lease sale (no $$ required) Not all federal acreage can be leased Requirements: • Already leased • Within city limits • Withdrawn from mineral leasing • National Parks • Non-Federally owned • In wilderness study areas • Within an Indian reservation • Complete legal land description 2,560 acre max. • Your ...

      government land for sale

    • [PDF File]Property for Sale


      which approximately 53 of irrigated acreage and approximately 15.68 acres are of roads, waste, idle and hillside. There are no buildings on the property owned by FSA. Sale Price: $205,000.00; this property is being sold “as is." This property is being offered for sale to those individuals Farm Service Agency considers to be qualified beginning

      government property for sale

    • [PDF File]State Management of Federal Lands: Frequently Asked …


      State Management of Federal Lands: Frequently Asked Questions Congressional Research Service Summary The federal government owns roughly 640 million acres of land, about 28% of the 2.27 billion acres in the United States. This land is managed by numerous agencies, but four agencies

      $500 per acre land

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