Fee simple vs condo ownership

    • OWNERSHIP - Lewis & Clark Law School

      Fee Simple- Own real property, total ownership, Lasts forever, Estate is detached from person who owns estate, can be transferred to heirs. Cole v. Steinlauf (No “heir” in title)-It is necessary to use the word “heirs” when creating a deed for a fee simple

    • [DOC File]FGDC Document Number


      Most parcels are legally defined by deed and are created with fee simple ownership such that the owner owns 100% of the land. Other types of ownership exist which present some challenges in implementing this standard. Condominiums represent a significant number of properties in Connecticut.



      Fee simple absolute. Also known as “ownership” to regular folk. In the 1600s, a conveyance needed the magic words, “To A and his heirs” to suffice as a fee simple. In reality, the heirs still do not have a future interest because A can sell the land or give it away or something else before he dies. His heirs have no right to it.



      Possession vs. Ownership 10. Adverse Possession 10. Possession or Ownership: What Is It Worth? 17. ... Fee simple subject to an executory limitation: Fee that passes to a third person when a state event occurs ... Condo owner owns fee in apartment and has easement in path/driveway to building. Gilbert’s says (p.354) that courts tend to be ...

    • [DOC File]Rule Structure for Adverse Possession


      Fee Simple Absolute. Fee simple or fee simple absolute = prop ownership w/o an associated future interest; owner has present right to possess and use the property, the rt to sell it or give it away, and the right to devise it by will or leave it to her heirs. Fee simple is the presumption unless the conveyance states otherwise.

    • [DOCX File]Lender Narrative Template - HUD


      ed, quality of housing stock, expected job / household growth, current tenure, shadow market and other vacancies, relative cost of rent-vs.-own, projects expected to come on line and otherwise be competitive, impact on current housing stock (particularly FHA insured), concessions, marketability of the proposed project, demand conclusions

    • [DOCX File]FortuneBuilders


      HOA/Condo Doc Checklist. v1.0 r09012015 [Type text][Type text][Type text] HOA/CONDO DOC CHECKLIST: Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&R's) ... Is the ownership (Fee Simple or Condo) Are there any rental restrictions? Are there any pet restrictions? (# of pets or weight limit)

    • [DOCX File]HUD | HUD.gov / U.S. Department of Housing and Urban ...


      Provide a brief discussion about the project (preferably 1 page, no more than 2). Address program eligibility, site location, topography, size, frontage, proposed access, ingress/egress to the property, landscaping, location of amenities, commercial space, available parking, visibility from major thoroughfares, access to public transportation, public streets and public utilities included in ...

    • [DOC File]Property outline - NYU Law


      Therefore, in the transference of 1977, Harry Hutton passed the Mahrenholz’s a fee simple. Finding a fee simple determinable vs. finding a fee simple subject to condition subsequent. If the words constitute durational language, the courts will conclude that the deed is a fee simple determinable, i.e., so long as, during, until, etc.

    • [DOC File]Pamphlet 26-7 Chapter 10 - Veterans Affairs


      Ownership Not Fee Simple Property involving a less than fee simple ownership (i.e., leaseholds, cooperatives, ground rental arrangements) is not eligible for appraisal without prior VA approval of the specific legal arrangement or project. Submissions to VA Central Office (262A) must include. details of the ownership arrangement

    • Property Outline - Lewis & Clark College

      Create a fee simple – convey land to A and his heirs. Equivalent of fee simple absolute. A is the word of purchase. A becomes the grantee. “And his heirs” is word of limitation, means A has a fee simple, no one else owns it. Inheritance – (p 213) Heirs – when a person dies their property descends to their heirs.

    • I

      Fee simple subject to a condition subsequent (FSSCS) – can end on a condition if the original owner decides to re-take when that condition is met (CA says only FSSCS is valid and all determinable fees are interpreted as such) ... Old Port Cove Condo Association One, p. 86 – where a right of first refusal in the K, RAP not offended ...

    • [DOC File]Concurrent Ownership: - NYU Law


      ( fee simple subject to condition subsequent – a fee simple that does not automatically terminate but may be cut short (divested) at the grantor's election when a stated condition happens ( created by first giving the grantee an unconditional fee simple and then providing that the fee simple may be divested by the grantor or his heirs if a ...

    • [DOC File]I


      Fee simple vs. defeasible fee. Wood v. Fremont County . Cathedral v. Garden City Company ... gives non-owner ownership of the right to use the owner’s prop in certain ways (not ownership of the land, and all prop rights, as in AP) ... condo dev; other owners sue to prevent Horn devisees from conveying prop w/o such deed restrictions. Issue ...

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