Fire resistance potion 8 00

    • [DOCX File]13th Age Archmage Engine

      Resistance from a potion is always 16+. Attackers of the tier covered, or lower, must roll a natural 16 or higher on their attack roll to overcome your resistance and do full damage of a type you’re resistant to, otherwise they deal half damage. Damage from a source that’s a higher tier than your potion ignores your resistance. See Resistance.

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      Fire Resistance V. Cost: 2 + 3/hour + 1/3 points stopped. Save: Physical. Associations: Fire. This spell protects the target from small normal fires and stops 3/4 damage from strong fires and magical fire. It also protects clothes and possessions. If multiple protective spells are in force, apply Fire Resistance first, then Stone Flesh, then ...

      fire resistance potion recipe minecraft

    • EN World

      The Fire Lance is a short range weapon with reach. It is a bamboo tube that is filled with gunpowder and chemicals, and can be used to spray fire into the face of an enemy. If an enemy is hit by this weapon, he may make a DC 15 ref save for half damage. Enemies struck by this weapon must check to see if they catch fire.

      fire resistance id

    • [DOC File]Combat Modifiers and Actions - Critical Thinking

      Spell Resistance (PHB p177) Caster Level Check (1d20 + caster level) vs. SR rating. Special Abilities (DMG p289) Extraordinary Supernatural Spell-like ... (HD) ≤ 2 3-8 9-20 21 ≥ Outsider (HD) ≤ 1 2-4 5-10 11 ≥ Cleric (Lvl) 1 2-4 5-10 11 ≥ Magic item/spell (CL) ≤ 2nd 3rd – 8th 9th – 20th 21st ≥ Detect Undead strength: Undead ...

      how to brew fire resistance

    • [DOC File]Internode

      ring of major elemental resistance (fire) (24,000 gp) ring of major elemental resistance (fire) (24,000 gp) ring of major elemental resistance (sonic) (24,000 gp) ring of Might (4,000 gp) ring of Might (4,000 gp) ring of Might (4,000 gp) ring of Might (4,000 gp) something hints at the ring's function. ring of mind shielding (8,000 gp)

      fire resistance potion id


      Potion MP Cost Notes Potion MP Cost Notes Concentration VIII 8 110 3.5 hours, +1 SR Magic Hand 16 200 27 turns of use *** Earth Sense 8 110 3.5 hours Magic Protection VIII +11 8 110 3.5 hours, +11 Counter 16 200 7.5 hours Missile Shield VIII (+8) 8 110 1 hour + 40 arrows *** Enchantment (Oil) 8 110 36 minutes (+5 MP) Personal Electric Fence 8 ...

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