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    • [DOC File]CBD Fourth National Report - Bhutan (English version)


      Target 1: A widely accessible working list of known plant species, as a step towards a complete world flora. The Department of Forests and the National Biodiversity Center under the Ministry of Agriculture has completed the publication of the flora of Bhutan (spermatophytes) and produced the flora in 3 volumes (details provided in chapter I).

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    • [DOC File]ASHDOWN - Sidney Pacific


      Another place that holds most wonderful species of flora is the Mount Auburn Cemetery. It makes a lot of people wince at first, but it is a great place for a beautiful walk. It has a large variety of colorful trees, especially during foliage, and there are many, many kinds of flora, scattered around ponds, and along walkways.

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    • [DOC File]Thiruvananthapuram - Kerala Tourism


      - This picturesque spectrum of exotic flora, fauna and gurgling streams is cradled between Chellarkovil and the Tamil Nadu border. A popular picnic spot, Pandikuzhi offers great opportunities for trekking and is a photographer's delight. Getting there: 5 km from Kumily Nearest Railway Station: Kottayam, about 140 km away from Thekkady.

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    • [DOC File]CBD Fourth National Report - Zambia (English version)


      Appropriate institutional framework for bio-safety established Using experiences gained from other countries Reviewing existing structures, mandates and linkages. Bio-safety policy developed and adopted in 2003. Bio-safety Act which provides for the establishment of a National Bio-safety Authority enacted in 2007.

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